Chapter Nineteen

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"Where's Hank?" Raven asked while looking around the hangar we were in. We were all in a line in the suits Hank had made us, and all though I'd never say it out loud, I had to admit... We looked badass.

"I'm here..." Hank's voice came from the other end. A figure began walking towards us and soon a very blue and furry Hank was standing in front of us.

"Hank?" I asked in awe.

He sighed and looked to the ground in shame. "It didn't attack the cells... It enhanced them. It didn't work."

Raven shook her head and smiled. "Yes it did. Don't you see? This is who you were meant to be! This is you.... No more hiding."

"Never looked better, man." Erik said.

Before anyone could react, Hank's hand was around Erik's neck as he rose him from the ground and choked him.

"Hank." Charles warned.

Hank grunted. "Don't. Mock me." He snarled at Erik.

"Hank put him down!" I shouted. When he didn't listen I rolled my eyes and got into his head. I made him drop Erik as soon as possible and got out.

"I wasn't!" Erik coughed out.

"Even I gotta admit, you look pretty bad-ass. I think I got a new name for you." Alex said, catching Hank's attention. "Beast."

"Crew of the Aral Sea are all dead. Shaw's been there." Charles announced.

"He can't be far, then." I quipped.

"Beth is right. He's still here somewhere." Erik added.

"He's set the ship on course for the embargo line." Charles muttered.

Moira gasped and looked back at all of us. "If that ship crosses the line, our boys are gonna blow it up. And the war begins."

"Unless it's not our boys." Charles said smirking before raising a finger to his temple once more.

All was silent until we had to dodge a missile and we all made a noise from being startled.

"How about a little warning?" Hank hissed.

"Sorry." Charles mumbled.

"That was inspired, Charles." Moira praised while looking at the scanners.

I rolled my eyes and looked to Raven. "That was inspired." I mocked, causing Raven to giggle. "I still can't locate Shaw... I.... Charles I can't."

"I can't either, not to worry." Charles reassured.

"He's down there! We need him now!" Erik argued.

"Hank?" I called.

"Is there anything unusual on the radar or scanners?" Hank asked Moira.

Moira shook her head and sighed. "No. Nothing."

Hank huffed and looked back at us briefly before returning his eyes to the windshield. "Well, then he must be under water. And obviously we don't have sonar."

"Yes we do." Shawn announced.

Erik, Charles, Shawn and I unbuckled and made our way over to the bomb bay doors.

After some explaining, Shawn looked to me and Erik. "You two stay away from me." He then jumped out of the opening and went underwater.

A few moments passed before Charles said, "We have a location!" Erik then climbed onto the landing gear, me climbing on after him. "You're ready for this?"

"Let's find out." Erik said before reaching a hand out and locating the submarine.

I closed my eyes and located it as well, helping Erik lift it out of the water. We had successfully dropped it on the beach before one of Shaw's men walked out and launched a tornado at us, causing us to spin out of control. Before I knew it, I had lost balance on the landing gear and was holding onto Erik's hand as he and Charles struggled to get me back to safety. In an instant my hand was ripped from his and the next thing I knew I was free falling.

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