Chapter 20- Fire, Anger, Happiness

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Chapter 20- Fire, Anger, Happiness

Harry's P.O.V.

"I don't think so bitch!" Selene yelled at Zoe.

I could feel myself boil with anger. My fists were clenched and in an instant I was behind Zoe. I could see that Selene was surprised but she still had the evil smirk on her face that she always had. 

"Put the book down Selene" I said with clenched teeth, but trying to act calm so my anger wouldn't get out of control. 

"Like I said before, I don't think so." She said as she examined that book.

"I know what you are Zoe." She added. I looked over at Zoe. She had a confused but frightened look on her face. 

"PUT IT DOWN!" Zoe screamed at Selene. Selene just chuckled. She jumped down from the second floor. She put the book down on a table, then she walked in front of it. 

"Come and get it." Selene said as she had an evil smirk on her face. I saw Zoe move from the corner of my eye. I quickly grabbed her by her arms. 

"Don't go." I told her. 

"Har-" She started to say but I cut her off. 

"It's ok." I told her. I let her go and turned around towards Selene. She was ready, but also obviously annoyed that I told Zoe to stay. I could tell she wanted Zoe. Badly. 

"It's over Selene." I said, and ran towards her. I shoved her down on the ground, and started to throw punches everywhere. I punched her in the nose, and soon she had a bloody one. She was bruised all over, but I don't care. She deserved it. I was about to throw another one, but I stopped. 

I was on top of Zoe? What?

"H-harry." She whimpered. I stopped and got off of her. 

"HARRY NO!!!" Someone yelled from behind me. I turned around and it was Zoe. Wait what? If that's Zoe then..SELENE. 

Before I could even do anything I was thrown down onto the ground, and being punched so hard that I couldn't move. 

"NOO!!!" I heard Zoe scream. I looked her at and saw her crying. 

I let her down. 

Zoe's P.O.V.

Selene was literally beating the life out of Harry! She fooled him. She's a shape shifter. How could Harry not remember?

Harry was literally laying on the ground lifeless. But I knew he was still alive. I looked over at Selene. She had that annoying grin plastered on her face. 

"HOW DARE YOU!" I screamed at her. 

"You want the book? Then come and get it. But you have to go through me first!" She yelled. 

I was furious. She hurt Harry, and he's literally all I have let of family. Yes I said he was family. He's probably the closest person to me right now. I can't let Selene hurt him. She already did that once, and now it's my time to kill her. 

I focus on throwing all of the books on her from some of the shelves. It worked and she's distracted. I get closer to her, and jump on her and start to throw punches at her just like Harry did. I know it might not work but it's the only plan I have right now. 

I was about to throw another punch but I stopped. I was punching Harry? No you aren't! It's Selene and she's shape shifting! My mind was telling me. I was caught off guard. Selene changed back to herself, and wrapped her arm around my neck. She was going to choke me?! I don't think so!

"Open then book Zoe, and nothing will happen." She said innocently. 

"No!" I choked out, but then she tightened her arm. I could barley catch any air. I can't die like this. I just can't.

"If you won't open the book, I'll kill you...just like I killed your parents." She said. 

My eyes widened.


I was so angry that I didn't notice what was happening to the library. It had gotten really hot in here. It soon hit me. This could be another one of my sorcery powers. Fire. I thought of fire, and soon enough i was hotter and brighter than a desert. 

"What the fuck is this?!" Selene screamed and let go of  me since it was so hot. 

"My payback." I turned around as I said that. She was confused. 

I lifted my hand and focused hard for fire to come out. I know it sounds crazy, but I'm a Sorcerer. I closed my eyes to focus.

"AHHH!!!" I heard screaming.

I opened my eyes, and sure enough Selene was on fire. I quickly decided that I would burn this library with Selene in it. I mean it's possible the only way to kill her. I started to put the books and tables on fire, while Selene was still screaming. 

I quickly grabbed the book off of the table as it was about to catch on fire. I still have to help Harry. I quickly ran over to him and kneeled down next to him. 

"It's so hot." He mumbled. 

"I know, and we have to get out of here Harry ok?" I told him. He lightly nodded his head. 

"Get us out of here." I told him while moving the loose curls with my hand that fell on his face, and took the book in my hand. 

He nodded. I could tell he was focused. As Harry was getting us out, I took my last look at Selene. She was furious. But what creeped me out the most, is that her eyes..were orange. (picture to the right)

"I'll get you Zoe!" She yelled, but then I just saw the abandoned street. Harry got us out of here. 

"HARRY!" I yelled with happiness in my voice. He weakly smiled. 

"Let's go." I told him. 

I helped him stand up. I put his arm around my neck and helped him walk. 

This is going to be one long night. 


Author's Note:

Sorry this is bad! ahhh!!! Can you guys leave suggestions and stuff like that? It would really help!

If you comment I will follow back!

Go read my other books Unexpected and Broken To Pieces.

Thanks for getting this book to 1,000 reads! I really do appreciate it!

I want this book to be big so:






etalar56 xx.

Dark AlleyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora