Chapter 14- Writing

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Chapter 14- Writing

Zoe's P.O.V.

 I woke up to a really bad headache. But then I remembered last night. But the only thing I could remember was that woman,and the promise, but nothing else. I quickly shot up, but then fell back down and so much pain shot through my body. I yelped. I couldn't help it. I looked around closely, and I realize i've been in this room before. And it hits me. It's Harry's living room. 

I could hear someone running down the stairs quickly. I turn my head to see a worried Harry standing there, looking at me. 

"Are you OK?" He asks. 

I tried to say something, but every time i did my whole body hurt. So i just nodded my head no, and I felt tears build up in my eyes. Harry came closer to me, and it looked like he was mad at himself. 

"Do you want to sit up?" He asks me, and I nod. 

He carefully puts his arms under my back. I whimper due to all the crucial pain. Once i'm sitting upright, my head starts to get dizzy. I look at Harry, and he looks at my eyes for a couple of seconds, but then looks away. 

I just ignore it. All I really want to know is what actually happened and why i can barley move. 

Harry's P.O.V.

I heard her yelp. I quickly ran down the stairs ready to take care of her. But when i finally saw her, my heart broke to pieces. I can't see her like this. It just breaks me inside. 

"Are you OK?" I ask her. 

She tried to say something but she couldn't. She nods no, and I could see she's about to cry. I was mad at myself that I couldn't do anything to help her. I seriously wish i could fight off Selene for Zoe. 

"Do you want to sit up?" I ask her again, and she nods.

I carefully put my arms under her, and sit her up. But as I did that i heard her whimper. It killed me. I swear next time I see Selene I WILL kill her. And I'm serious. She's caused too much trouble with innocent humans.

Zoe looks at me, and I look at her in the eyes for a couple of seconds but look away. I just can't look at her when she's broken. It hurts me. 

But what I really want to find out about myself if why I was so kind to her before, then I got all strong and mean, and then I'm back to the kind person I was before. Maybe it's Zoe. She could have this effect on me. I just let out a sigh, and look back at Zoe. 

"Do you remember anything from last night?" I ask her.

She only nods no. Does that mean she doesn't remember that promise she made with Selene? 

"Did you make a promise last night with that woman?" I ask her. 

She doesn't say anything for a while. Well she doens't move her head because she can't speak. But then it hits me. Maybe she can write. 

"Can you write?" I ask her, and she just has the "I don't know" look on her face. I take my phone out of my pocket, and open it on the notes app and hand it to her. She slowly with one hand types on the phone. I look up at her face. She looks so concentrated, and desperate to let me know. 

Finally she hands me the phone. 

"I did make a promise with her. Please don't be mad. I thought she would just leave me alone. But I don't think that she did. I don't remember anything after what I told her." I read out loud of what she wrote. 

I looked up at her. 

"She wouldn't leave you alone. She one of the cruelest vampires out there. And how can you not remember last night? She was kicking you to death." I tell her. 

When I said that, I could see she was scared. She looked down at the phone and I handed it back to her. After a couple of seconds she handed it back. 

"You want to know what the promise is and what I remember?" I read out loud. 

I look at her and say yes and give her the phone. She quickly writes on it and gives it back to me. 

"I was just on a walk and I saw a shadow. It went into an alley and obviously I was curious. I went into the alley but then no one was there and realized it was a trap. Then she pushed me against the wall and was talking how good my neck looked and stuff. Then I said just leave me alone and you could come back after me any time you want. She asked me if i promised, and I said yes, and she told me she would take me up on that offer. But that's all i could remember. How did you find me.?" I read out loud.

I let out a sigh.

"I was walking back from the gym when i heard a scream which was yours. I was running and when i got there I saw the woman Selene is her name she was kicking you literally to death. So i yelled at her and she said she'll see you again. So I brought you here." I told her, and looked at her.

She had a tear slip from her eyes and I quickly wiped them away. She looked at the phone again, and I handed it to her. She quickly typed on it and gave it to me. 

"Thank you Harry. I owe you" I read out loud. 

"You don't owe me anything." I protest looking at her. She just nods her head yes. 

"Anyway, you'll have to stay with me. It's too dangerous for you out there now." I say, and she just looks at me scared. 

"Don't worry it's going to be ok." I say smiling at her. 

But what really bothered me is why she had to make that promise. Selene will be going after her until she gets what she wants.

This won't be easy. 


Author's Note:

Sorry that this is short. But what do you guys think? :)

If you comment I WILL follow back! :)

Go read my other books Unexpected and Broken To Pieces. They are on my profile.

I want this book to be big so:






etalar56 xx.

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