Chapter 17- GoodBye

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Hey! I'm so sorry that i haven't been updating! :/ My Internet is being stupid which sucks! Well anyway here it goes! :)

Chapter 17- GoodBye

Zoe's P.O.V.

I was pushed agaisnt the wall by Zac's body while he was still kissing me. Like i said before, I wasn't kissing him. I didn't want to. I should of listened to Harry. I really wish I did. 

Harry's P.O.V.

I've been trying to reach Zoe on her phone but she's not answering. Well why wouldn't she?! You called her a bitch Harry! 

Something felt...weird. I don't want anything happening to Zoe. I quickly ran out the door and down the street towards Zoe's flat. Since it was darker I ran in vampire speed. As soon as I got to the door, I knocked as hard as I could. 

I waited a couple of seconds, but no one answered. I started to get worried. What if that guy she went to hang out with did something to her? He's going to be dead if I found out. I knock on the door harder this time. 

"Zoe! Are you in there?" I yell. 

I hear something fall on the other side of the door, and something that would almost be like mumbling. Then out of nowhere the door itself. It was dark. I slowly walked in.

"Zoe?" I say trying to looking around. 

I hear a muffled sound to my left. Before I move I try to find the light switch. After tapping the wall and trying to find it, I flicked it on. But then I saw a horrible sight. 

This guys i'm assuming who was Zac was kissing her!? So she came here to make out with this..Guy?!

I can see that she quickly notices me. But what I didn't notice is that while Zac was kissing her she was pushing away...So it's not really her fault, it's Zac's. I feel my anger boil. How dare he do that?!

"GET THE FUCK OFF OF HER!" I yell at him. 

He stops, and Zoe finally manages to push him away. 

"And who is this?" Asks Zac as he slowly walks towards me. I want to rip his throat out, and shred him to pieces. 

"Harry." Zoe says probably noticing my anger, and starts to walk towards me. But then Zac pushes her back so hard that she falls and can't get up. 

"That's it!" I yell and charge towards Zac. 

I grab him by the shoulders and throw him against the wall. He slumps down but i pick him up and throw him on the ground. Before he can get up I start to throw punches at him. He does to and makes but I doge them most of the time. 

"Don't you dare touch her!" I yell at him. 

By now his face is bruised and bloody. 

"It wasn't me." He weakly says and it catches me off guard. 

"What?" I say confused. He looks behind me. 

I turn around, and I see that Selene is grabbing Zoe. I quickly get off of Zac and run towards Selene, stopping her. 

"Well, well, well. We meet again." She says with an evil grin on her face. 

"Get away from her!" I say angrily. 

"I don't think so. You see, Zoe and I had this one tiny little promise we made. Right Zoe?" She says as she kicks her, and she grunts. 

"Dont' touch her!" I say between gritted teeth. 

Selene ignores me. She picks up Zoe and pushes her against the wall. 

"Any last words Zoe?" She asks her. 

Zoe looks at her, and then at me. She has tears in her eyes. I have to do something before Selene actually kills her. 

"Harry." Zoe says, but then is cut off by Selene. 

"Well, times up missy." Selene says, and quickly lowers her head by Zoe's neck. Within seconds, Zoe screams. I have to do something. I can't just rip Selene off because then Zoe might loose lots of blood. Come on Harry think! 

Ok screw this, my rage is over the top. I'm killing Selene. I ripped her off of Zoe, and push her to the other side of the room. I quickly catch Zoe before she hits the floor. Even thought she may be unconscious i tell her that everything is going to be okay, and gently place her on the floor. 

I turn myself towards Selene and see that she's picking herself up. 


"Hmm really? I don't think so!" I yell at her as I ran towards her. I throw punches and everything I can to knock her out. But it's no use. She's just to strong. I didn't even realized it, but she has me in head lock, which isn't good. She's going to basically rip off my head and kill me! 

"HEY!" Zoe yells from the other side of the room. 

What? How did she....She basically lost so much blood. She can't recover that fast...Well that is unless she's not...human.

Zoe's P.O.V.

Harry told me everything will be ok. When I really know that it won't. I saw him and Selene fighting. He's not going to win. She's to strong for him. I wish I could just do something, and not be such a weakling. 

"But you can." 

Ok, I don't think I'm hallucinating or anything but that was a voice in my head. It sounds familiar though. 

"Zoe, you are far more important then what you think you are. I know this my be scary but listen to me. You're supernatural. You have powers. And by Supernaturals I mean like vampires and werewolves." 

This voice really does sound familiar. Almost mother.

"That because i am your mother Zoe. I am a Sorcerer. And so are you. I know it's a lot to take in, but on your 19th birthday you will receive your full sorcery power. Don't worry. You'll learn everything. So right now I think the best power to use would be force. Just like in Star Wars, to move things away. And also just like other supernaturals it will be harder to kill you."

My mother was a Sorcerer. And so am I. I snap out of my thoughts as I notice Harry is in a head lock. I have to do something. I manage to stand up, and notice that the 2 of them noticed it. Come on Zoe do what your mother told you to do. I kept telling myself. 

I focused on getting rid of Selene. I stuck my hand out and closed my eyes. Someone screams. I quickly open my eyes to see Selene floating in mid air. 

"Get me down from here!" She yells. 

"Hm... I don't think so. You see we had that one promise." I said. A smile grew on her face, but I don't think she knew what was coming. I looked at Harry and he smiled at me. I motioned him to open the door. As soon as the door was open, I did what I wanted. 

"Goodbye Selene." I said with a wink. 


Author's Note:

Sorry I didn't update in like forever! So what do you guys think?

If you comment i will follow back :)

Thanks for getting Unexpected to 12,000 reads! Ahhh!!!

I want this story to be big so:






etalar56 xx.

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