Chapter 11- Why Did I Make This Even Worse?

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Chapter 11- Why Did I Make This Even Worse?

Zoe's P.O.V.

It's been a week maybe, since i've last seen Harry. I have to say, that it is pretty boring now. All I do is just basically go to work on the weekends, and just sit in my flat thinking why I told Harry that back in the forest. 

I mean, was I really afraid of him? I kept asking myself. But my mind was telling me yes, he killed someone right in front of me. But my heart was saying something different. I just didn't know what it was.

I didn't really know what to do, so i decided I would just go shop, see if I could find anything interesting. But before I went i had to go get dressed. I put on some skinny jeans and a graphic top. I added a scarf and put it over my shoulders. I put on my favorite ankle boots, and took my sunglasses. I didn't put any make up on, and plus i didn't feel like putting it on.

With that, i walked out and headed to where the stores are. Within a couple of minutes I was there, and I walked into one of my favorite stores. It was a music store, and i might not look so good on the outside but inside it had basically every kind of music you would want. 

I didn't really know what i was going to look for so i just started looking. I came across a Beatles album, Train, Script, and so on. But suddenly on the speakers one of my favorite songs came on. Mermaid - By Train. I started to quietly sing along, hoping that no on would hear.

"Someone likes this song." Someone said as they tapped my shoulder. I jumped instantly and was ready to defend myself. 

"Relax it's me." I heard him say again as he chuckled. I turned around and it was Ed.

"Ed! You scared me!" I tell him laughing a bit. 

"I know, i kind of saw." He said smiling at me. 

"So what are you looking for?" He asked me. 

"I don't really know, i'm just looking." I say with a smile on my face. 

"Actually, i'm not really looking for anything." I quickly say before he could say anything. 

"Well then why don't we grab some tea?" He asks me.

"Yea, sure." I say and we both walk out of the store. 

"So i haven't seen you in a while." I tell him. 

"Yea, i haven't seen you either." He says and looks ahead. 

"Is something wrong?" I ask him realizing that he wasn't using the same tone of voice he used at the music store. 

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