Chapter 9: That Girl

Start from the beginning

"No way!" He exclaims. "Mine are too!"

We laugh at the randomness of the conversation as we continue dancing.

"I'm really glad you joined the tour." Austin whispers after a long silence.

"I'm really glad you ruined my audition piece." I whisper back to him.

I feel him smile against my head. "I didn't mean to. I was watching you with my disguise and I got carried away."

I smile. "How'd that happen?"

"Your dancing was so amazing I wanted to get a better look."

I look up surprised at him. I spent a long time hating him because I thought he intentionally ruined my piece. Austin looks back down at me and smiles. Slowly we start to lean our heads toward each other. I close my eyes waiting for his lips to touch mine. He's so close I can almost feel it. He's about to kiss me, when all of a sudden his phone goes off scaring the both of us.

He turns away to talk on his phone, before coming back to me. "That's was my mom." He says. "She was wondering how Rent was."

"In other words, she was checking up on you?" I ask laughing.

He laughs. "Yeah pretty much. So we should probably start heading back."

On the walk back Austin and I stand really close to each other. Occasionally our arms bump and our fingers brush, but every time Austin smiles down at me. We're about half a block away and I start shivering. I tried to hide it, but Austin notices and takes off his jacket wrapping it over my shoulders.

"You don't need it?" I ask holding it tightly against me.

"No I'm fine." He says. "Plus you're the dummy that forgot a jacket in New York, in December."

"Well if someone had told me we'd be seeing a musical and getting out so late, maybe I would've." I say in my best sarcastic tone.

Austin laughs and wraps an arm around my shoulder as we walk. I lean in and feel the warm that's radiating off his body.

"Why are you so hot?" I ask leaning closer into him.

"I don't know." He says. "I guess I was just born this attractive."

I glance up at him and give him a look. "You're an idiot." I mumble.

"What was that?" He asks moving his hands to my waist.

"Nothing!" I squeal, waiting for him to start tickling me.

He slowly starts to tickle my sides. I'm trying to contain my laughing.

"Stop! Stop!" I squeal again.

"Tell me I'm hot." He says over my laughing. "And I'm not an idiot!"

"Ok, ok!" I yell. "You're hot!"

"And?" He says still tickling me.

"You're not an idiot!" My eyes are watering from laughing so hard. "Now stop it!"

Finally he stops, and his arm moves to back around my shoulder. "Thank you."

We make it back to the hotel and go up to our rooms. When we say goodnight outside my door, Austin gets nervous again. I wrap my arms around his waist, squeezing him closer to me. His arms around my neck, his head resting on mine. We stay like that for a moment before we both pull our heads back. He look down at me and runs his fingers through my hair, pushing it behind my ear. His hand stops at the base of my neck his thumb behind my ear. Slowly we lean towards each other. I stand on my tippy toes to reach him. We're just about to kiss when, this time, my phone goes off.

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