Chapter One

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"How are you, Mr. Wheeler?" a tall brunett asked, picking her teeth with a tooth-pick before flinging it away, expertly landing it in a trash bin "I don't believe I've seen you since your family and I came to Domino. It's not very nice to leave your sister to fend for herself, now is it?"

"Firsts off, Brassy," Joey defended "Ya ain't really mah sistah. Seconds off, I've been busy. While ya been gone, Serenity has left along with mah ma."

"I know all about that, Joey," she sneered, still not looking him in the eye.

"Your ma didn't leave ya, Brassy," Joey reminded.

"No," she nodded "But, my daddy did and my step-daddy wasn't all that nice. I suppose it's for the best though. I would never have gotten to meet you and your family if he hadn't kicked me out, now would I? Besides, that's not what I meant. Unlike you, Serenity's been keeping in touch with me. Even sent me a few envelopes of cash. Can you tell her to stop doing that, by the way? I try to do it myself but, she never listens."

"That's Serenity for ya," Joey laughed, walking up to Brassy and ruffling her hair "I've missed ya, sis. I didn't even realise ya stayed in Domino. I'd figured you'd gone back tah New York or something."

"How was I supposed to do that?" she rolled her eyes "I'm barely keeping my rent up at this one place I'm staying. How the Hell was I suppose to get a plane or something back to New York without sneaking on in baggage?"

"Don't say Hell," Joey scowled, pinching her arm "It's a bad word."

"Ow," she grumbled, rubbing her arm "I forgot you did that. ANYWAY... I'm not eight anymore, Joey. I say bad words all the time, now."

"That doesn't make 'em right," Joey huffed, taking her by the arm "Come on. I'll take ya back tah Seto's. Hopefully, if ya'll behave yarself, he'll take ya in."

"Who, now?" Brassy questioned, wincing at the grip Joey had on her as he dragged her along "Ow. Joey! You're hurting me."

"Don't be a pansy," he growled.

"When the Hell did you start saying pansy?" Brassy burst into laughter.

"Ya try living wit' t'at perverted dragon and not start talkin' like 'im," Joey challenged.

"Like I'd lower myself to living with a 'perverted dragon,'" Brassy huffed "I'd rather have the streets, thank you. What I want to know is, why are YOU stooping so low, Joey? Is my big bad bro not as big and bad of a bro as he brought himself to be?"

"Say what now?" Joey questioned.

"Why did I waste my last quarter calling you?" Brassy sighed, lowering her head, in defeat.

"'Cuz I'm going tah take ya tah live in a mansion," Joey announced "I think ya and Mokuba will get along fine... Long as ya don't cuss or notin'. Seto don't like cussing much. 'Specialy 'round his little brother."

"Oh for the love of..." Brassy groaned "Fuckdamnshithellpussycockass... Anything else I forgot?"

"Bitch?" Joey shrugged, pinching her again.

"Ow!" she jumped "STOBBIT! You have no right to pinch me like that!"

"Ya said yarself ya were like a sistah tah meh, Brassy," Joey reminded.

"YOU said I wasn't," Brassy accused. Just then, a limo pulled out in front of them. The back window was rolled down and Seto Kaiba sat inside, eying him, skeptically.

"Who's this, Puppy?" Seto asked.

"Why did he just call you that, Joey?" Brassy hissed, glaring at Seto.

"Seto?" Joey attempted "This is Brassy. She's kinda like a sistah to meh. Brassy? This is my boyfriend, Seto."

"Allinabrass Cortag," she offered, holding out her hand, stiffly, to shake.

"At least it's a start," Joey thought

"Seto Kaiba," he returned, shaking hands "I have a feeling she's not just stopping in for a visit, is she, Puppy?"

"She ain't got nowhere else tah go, Seto," the blond pleaded "An' she's almost like flesh an' blood tah meh. Mah family brought her with us when we came tah Domino from New York."

"That's not true!" Brassy insisted, quickly "I have plenty of connections. Besides, I've got a job and a rent. It's not like I'm homeless or something like that."

"Ya're only fifteen, Brassy," Joey pointed out "Ya shouldn't be worried about paying ya rent and keepin' up at yar job."

"I'm fine, really, Joey," she tried.

"I don't mind housing someone else," Seto input.

"I can't just live somewhere for FREE, Joey," she cried, ignoring Seto.

"I don't mind," he insisted "But if you're so dead set on working for your board, I could use an assistant."

"I'M FINE!" she glared, spitting fire from her eyes.

"Ya don't want to come see ALL the stuffed animals Seto has?" Joey tested. Brassy looked up at him like a child, with big, wide, deer-eyes.

"How MANY stuffed animals?" she questioned.

"He's got a whole room dedicated tah 'em," Joey pressed. Seto couldn't help but smirk at the expression on the young girl's face as Joey dazzled her with his explanation of the stuffed animal room that Seto did, in fact, have.

"I don't want to have to clean them up later, Joey," she muttered, biting her lower lip.

"We have maids to do that," Seto countered, figuring he'd make his puppy happy by helping. Joey flashed him a quick and grateful smile.

"Enough to fix the room if I got really crazy and made a huge mess?" Brassy challenged.

"Enough to put everything back PERFECTLY if you TRASHED it," Seto smirked.

"They have chocolate," Joey stated.

"I hate you all," Brassy hissed, swinging the door open "Move over, Moneybags."

"Hmm," Seto replied, knowing he, once again, was on the winning side. He moved as far over as he could before Brassy climbed in, followed by Joey. The driver then took off, as soon as the door closed.

"I can't believe I fell for this shit," she grumbled, to herself "Ow! Joey!"

"Don't say shit, either," he scowled "That's a bad word, too."

"I'll show you some 'bad words'," she roared, tackling him and pulling at his hair. Seto raised an eyebrow and his lip twitched up.

"Puppy wants to set an example to this street cat, eh?" Seto laughed, mentally "The king of cussing... Not swearing? This is going to be fun."


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