Survive the Fright

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Hey guys, it's Friday, so let's kick this off with two announcements! First off, I'll be releasing a preview of the sequel today, and second, I'm going to be releasing another book today as well. It's a Golden Freddy story based around all three restaurants, and I'm following the timeline that the game theorist used, so if you haven't seen their video you might want to give it a good looksie so you don't get confused if you decide to read. In any case my lovely pirate crew, onto the preview! ^~^ I'll see you again in February <3

•Carmine's P.O.V.•

"Carmine honey! Be careful up there!"

"I will!" I shouted back at my mother from atop the ladder. I hauled myself up and into the dusty attic, smiling at my success. I dangled my feet over the edge for a few moments before standing up and brushing myself off, taking a look around as I did.

The attic was full of boxes and plastic totes, filled to the brim with Christmas decorations and old scrapbooks. I wanted to go through them, but I was up here looking for the paints and paint brushes. Mom never liked to paint but she loved letting me do it. Probably because I never got any on the furniture.

As I walked around and searched, I found what I was looking for, along with a lot of cobwebs and dust. A cough came from my lips as I reached up, trying to get the box of paint, when I realized I wasn't tall enough. Darn my shortness. I was able to stack a couple of boxes up to reach, but just as I did, I was able to peer over them as well.

I thought there was a wall behind the cardboard, but from the scene I was looking at right now I already knew there wasn't. All of the floor on the other side of these boxes was clear, save for one box, that looked almost like an instrument case. It was shaped funny though, not like an instrument.

Out of sheer curiosity I began to climb over, jumping down lightly on the other side and cautiously moving over. The box was right beneath a window that looked out onto the sunny streets outside, and I loved the view instantly. The one from my room was nice and all, but this one was gorgeous. I turned my attention back to the box though, seeing that it had two latches that I unhooked easily. I popped the lid up to see what I first thought was a toy, but then I realized that it must have been some kind of puppet. It was about as tall as I was, with thin black limbs and white stripes around the arms and legs. It had a smile with purple lipstick and rosy red cheeks, blue lines ran down from its cheeks that seemed like tears. I wondered why it would be crying, because it was smiling. I would have been creeped out, if it weren't for the fact that I thought it was kind of cute.

"Well hello there Mr. Puppet man." I giggled, reaching beneath it and pulling it from the box. It was a pliable figure, with joints and what looked like hooks in its arms so that it could have been hung from something at one time like most puppets were. But I thought it must look better like this.


"Coming mom!" I called, placing the puppet back in its case. "I'll see you another time."

Survive the Light (Sequel to Survive the Night)Where stories live. Discover now