The pizzeria

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I stood in front of the doors, feeling the anxiety I had reemerge. I was scared to go back in. But inside my backpack, Marion shifted, reminding me we had a job to do. These last few hours had been spent, sitting in front of the toys, trying not to cry and putting together a game plan. And as I walked up to the steps, placing my hand on the glass, I wanted to turn and leave. But I couldn't.

Ever since the incident, no ones said a word about the animatronics inside. Mike says they still act the same, talk the same. But he did say that Foxy said something that hurt.

"Where's your first mate Minni?" A little boy asked him one day. Foxy seemed to glitch slightly, before returning to normal.

"Me first mate Minni be a traitor, she be forced to walk the plank." He chuckled. "Me new first mate be ten times better than that scoundrel."


Mangle stepped up beside him. She had been left in the back room of the pizzeria, only to come out during the day with the kids. Her and Foxy seemed to get along perfectly now.

When he told me, I almost lost hope. But I forced myself to stay strong. We'd figure this out, I swear. And I had Marion here to help me, if anyone can fix this, she can. In the bag with her was all the wiring that May bought me, in case we'd be needing to do a little mechanics work tonight. Funny, that today was Monday. It was night one, all over again.

I walked into the building as the sky began to darken around me. Immediately, I could feel eyes on me, watching every move. I was alone here, with the people who used to be my friends. Now they wanted to kill me.

"Hello, Freddy." I walked up to the stage, nodding to the figures beside him. "Bonnie, Chica. It's good to see you again."

They didn't move. They didn't even seem to hear what I said. But I still talked, hoping maybe they'd hear me.

"I'm back for my shift. But I won't be letting you in. Tonight, I'll slam the door down the second I see you. I miss you guys, but this isn't you. But I'm going to fix that."

I walked over to pirates cove, the curtains wide open, revealing the animatronic fox that I used to call mine. Now, he wanted to kill me. I would give a speech, but I knew it wouldn't matter.

"I'll be seeing you, love."

I ran to the office, trying to hold back tears. I could hear Marion weeping in my bag, so the second I got inside the doors, I unzipped it and let her out. She sat on the desk, wiping at her barren eyes.

"I-I miss them..." She choked. "I fix..."

"We'll fix them Marion. I'll be damned if I let them stay this way." I whispered, listening to the bell ring. There was a new feature to the room: the door buttons were now on my desk, so I wouldn't have to run back and forth like a child. My first instinct was to pick up the tablet, and I saw that Bonnie had already left the stage. In fact, all of them had.

"Right door." I demanded, listening as Marion slammed the button. I heard Chica out in the hall, slamming the window.

"C-Come on, sunshine! You're n-n-no fun!"

"Left door."

She slammed the button for the left door, just as Bonnie reappeared. They still looked the same, but their eyes...they were nothing but black voids.

"That's n-no way to treat your f-friends!" He shouted, before storming off. Both the doors lifted, and I started flipping through the cams again. Freddy was back on stage, but Foxy...he hadn't moved. He was still sitting there, powered off. For a second I was scared, but then I saw it. He was tapping his hook against the stool. He was counting.

The screen flashed suddenly, gold glitches popping up everywhere. The bear appeared on the screen with the words 'I'm here' alongside him. "Good."

"Is that Gold?!" Marion cried, suddenly slamming the right door again. She was staring at the screen.

"Yes, he's helping us." I slammed the left door as she opened the right, hearing the heavy footsteps running through the hall.

Foxy slammed into my door, knocking my power down to seventy percent. It was almost two, so I was doing better than normal. But what I heard next just about made me cry.

"A-A-Aye lass, look who it be!" He boomed. "Me old first mate Minni and little Marion, back from the dead."

"Go away Foxy." I whispered.

"Why d-d-don't we send ye back where ye belong?" His tone grew menacing as he walked away. I held back tears as I opened the door, biting my lip to stop the sobs.

"How am I going to survive five nights of this hell..." I spat, staring at the screen. Gold flashed across it again, words popping up beside his body.

"You can fix them." Marion read aloud. "Yes, we can."

"What would we have to do?"

"In that hour of time before the place opens, we have to look through all of their access panels, and find my music box. This morning, how about we take on looking for the box?"

"If we make it." I sighed, staring at the time. Three forty five.

We went through another two hours of complete bullshit, slamming the doors on everyone who came by. They all left haunting messages that chilled me to the bone. But I watched on the screen as the sun began to rise, with just a few minutes left of my shift. Marion seemed exhausted. I was physically and emotionally drained. The victory bell didn't feel like a victory.

"Come on, let's go look for the music box."

It's October first, the start of the spook season, and to kick it off here's the first chapter to Survive the Night! I'm excited to start this off and hear your guys's feedback, but my updates this month may be somewhat slow, in the time between my last update and today, I've been very sick and I'm still recovering. But I'm going to do my best for you guys <3 have a good day my pirate crew~

Survive the Light (Sequel to Survive the Night)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora