The end/The start

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The first thing I noticed was that Marion's music box now had a timer set on it, something I'd have to pay attention to as well as the doors. Freddy, Chica, and Bonnie were all gone, and I could hear movement in the back room. A loud smack sounded out in the kitchen and I realized Chica was breaking the pots and pans, giggling as loud as ever while she did. Bonnie jumped up against my window and I slammed the door, listening to his laughter as he bounded away. I was grinning ear to ear as I watched him, opening the door just in time to slam the other one shut.

"C'mon Minni!" Bon-Bon pleaded. "You can do better than that!"

"I kept you out didn't I?" I snickered. "Come on, bring it on baby!"

"Whatever ye wish lassie."

Foxy's voice was low and dark, and I readied myself with a grin. On the screen I saw my fox stepping out of the cove, his hat tipped over his golden eyes. He was grinning, looking up at the camera, waiting for me to look away. I flipped to the party room and heard the eek, waiting for a second before slamming the left door button. Foxy screeched and slammed his hook on the metal, knocking my power down by ten percent. As soon as he walked away I opened the door again and flipped through the cameras.

Chickadee and Freddy were in the bathrooms, Bonnie and Bon-Bon were playing around between the tables, Chica was in the hall to my right and Fred was standing outside of Foxy's cove. I slammed the door on Chica, who simply giggled and peered in through the window. Her eyes were shimmering with mischief as she hopped away, leaving me trying not to chuckle. In the back of my mind I knew this would be the last time we'd be able to do this, but I didn't care. We were...we were having fun. In a place filled with death and fear, we've only ever had fun and I fell in love and I found a new family. A family that cares.

"It's me."


I whipped around, causing the tablet in my hand to nearly collide with the head of a golden teddy bear on my office floor. He disappeared the moment before it could touch though and I was sent sprawling to the floor. Even so I still turned on the tablet and checked, seeing Bonnie's face pressed up to the camera while Freddy spasmodically twitched his head in the storage closet. Both the Chica's were in the bathrooms now, staring at the camera, while Foxy and Fred were coming down the halls. I jumped up and slammed both of the doors down just as Foxy rammed into the steel, knocking my down another ten. It was almost two and I was down to about 60%, not bad considering I had eight animatronics-

Tink. The key on the music box stopped moving. I dropped the tablet and tried winding it again, but it was stuck. Oh no, this is bad. I checked the cameras and saw that on the stage, Marion's box was open and empty. I was just about to slam the door shut when I realized I was too late. A little black figure jumped in the room beside me, knocking me flat on my back and making me screech.

"You forgot to wind the music box." Marion said with a musical note to her words. She wrapped her slender arms around me, burying her masked face in my shirt. I heard metal footsteps from out in the hall and looked to see Foxy on another run, but the moment he poked his head in his eyes landed on us.

"Aye, looks like the wee girl beat me to the punch." He chuckled, turning and looking down the hall. "Runs over lads and lasses, the marionette caught the guard!"

I heard numerous whoops and hollers, feeling robotic hands helping me up from my spot on the floor. Gold was chuckling, his eyes black, yet somehow kind as he stared at me. Marion's smile seemed to spread as she giggled, and Foxy walked in to wrap his arms around me and hoist me in the air.

"We got the lassie, how 'bout we stuff her inside that pretty golden Bonnie suit in back?" He teased, walking with me back out into the party room. Everyone had gathered, still animatronics, and they were all laughing and joking and I'm sure they were all smiling. I was smiling too.

"Have fun almost dying in there?" Freddy chuckled. He and Fred fist pounded, acting like old friends. Bon-Bon and Chica were chatting, and Chickadee was playing with Foxy's hook. Bonnie and Gold were holding hands of course, something that made me melt inside. Everyone was so happy together.

I felt something poke my palm, and I wrapped my fingers around Marion's little nubby hands. She sighed, looking around at everyone just like I was. I could tell by the way she tilted her head and pursed her lips that she was going to miss the place, just like I was.

"So what does everyone want to do for the rest of the night?" I questioned, taking a deep breath. I caught a whiff of something funky, and I realized it smelled like gas.

"I've always wanted to try being a security guard." Freddy chuckled. "Anyone want to do another run?"

While the other animatronics agreed, I squeezed Marion's hand and began to walk towards the kitchen. "Hey guys, I think May left one of the stoves on, you go ahead and start up your run I'm going to go shut it off."

I opened the doors and walked inside, hearing everyone begin to go back to their positions. Sure as hell I could definitely smell the gas, and I chuckled when I started hopping over broken pots and pans that were scattered all over the floor. Chica really did a number on the poor things. I found the stove eventually and shut it off, wondering what the hell it was doing on, when I felt a chill in the room. It was like someone had their eyes on me. I was about to shrug it off as Freddy on the security cam when I heard the whisper from behind me.

"Hello Carmine."

Something hard and metal collided with the back of my skull. I felt the bone break around my brain, just before the darkness began to envelop my vision. Blood was leaking out of my nose and I couldn't breathe. The last thing I felt before I passed out was the hands of an animatronic dragging me across the tile floor.

Survive the Light (Sequel to Survive the Night)Where stories live. Discover now