The rude awakening

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The six o'clock bell rang, waking all of us up. I'd forgotten what had happened, but when I found Marion curled up in my arms, and my head laying on a familiar sleeve, I remembered we were in the blanket fort. I sat up, yawning. Marion rubbed her eyes, still clutching her blanket close to her.

I looked to my side to see Foxy still passed out, snoring. I leaned down and kissed him, gently bringing him to the waking world. I wasn't expecting him to grab me, but he did, and he pinned me against his chest, his head buried in my shoulder.

" be good to wake up to your kisses." He sighed, smiling as he let me back up. I saw that Chica was cradling Chickadee, who was still out cold. The boys were all awake, while May and Mike were already beginning to dismantle the fort. Foxy and I helped them, folding up the blankets and dragging them backstage, while Gold, Freddy and Bonnie all carried in the pipes, returning them to the pile.

"So, I was thinking, since tomorrow's Sunday we could all go out for the day." I smiled, helping to replace the chairs and tables. "And we could all stay at mine and May's for the night."

"We'd finally get to see your house." Chica smiled. "Sounds great."

"Aye, I be wanting to finally see this place." Foxy chuckled. "Too bad it be Saturday."

"Busiest day of the week." Bonnie mumbled, smiling.

After the tables and chairs were all back in order, the main animatronics all went to the stage and took their positions. Foxy kissed my cheek before hopping back in the cove, retrieving his hat from the floor and placing it over his hair. I picked up Marion, looking back at May who was cradling the sleeping chicken. The boys were rubbing their eyes, little yawns escaping their lips. I smiled and led them out of the building, listening to shouting as I left.

"Wait up!" Gold cried. "Fucking stop!"

"Gold there's kids." I snickered. "Hush."

"Sorry." He panted, climbing in the trucks passenger seat. May placed Chickadee in the back and Bon-Bon helped to buckle her in. She was waking up slowly, wiping her eyes.

"Are we going to the pizzeria?" She asked, looking around.

"We're going home baby." I smiled, getting in the drivers seat and starting the truck. "Actually, no, we're going to the mall."

"The mall?" Marion asked, touching her bow.

"You guys only have one set of clothing. I was thinking," I looked back at the toys as we pulled out. "We could do a little shopping."

"But I like my dress." Chickadee pouted.

"You can keep your dress, we're just getting more clothing so you don't have to wear it all the time."

"Oh, okay."

"This is going to be fun." Gold chuckled, "They're going to freak out you know."

"Oh I know, but that'll be fun to see."

We drove along the streets, getting stuck in the mid morning traffic. I slammed the horn a few times, poking my head out the window and shouting curses at a teenage driver in front of me. The kids giggled as I fumed, Gold was just grinning.

After the cars started moving again, we made it to the mall, the kids eyes wide as we stepped through the doors. I was carrying Marion and holding Bon-Bon's hand while Gold had ahold of Chickadee and Fred. We looked at the stores, trying to find one that would have kids clothing. We found one eventually and began searching the racks. Even at this age their clothing came in sets, which I didn't mind at all. I set Marion down and let her wander off, knowing she could figure things out for herself.

"Wow." Bon-Bon gasped, looking at all of the clothes.

"So, we'll get you some pajamas and another outfit. Does that sound good?"

He nodded vigorously, looking through the clothing. I picked up a set of pj's that was dark blue, the shirt had a picture on it that had four barges on top of each other saying "a ship shipping ships shipping shipping ships" (if you guys get the reference I'm proud of you) Bon-Bon giggled, taking it in his hands. Upon further search we found jeans and a blue long sleeve, and I saw Marion's head bobbing among the racks.

"Is this good?" She came out, holding a red nightgown and an outfit with black jeans and a striped tank top, with little red roses for straps.

"Looks perfect." I smiled, taking the clothing from her. I found Gold wandering his way back towards us, each of the kids carrying their goodies. Chickadee had a pink shirt and a tutu, her pj's a pink striped long sleeve and matching pink shorts. Fred had tan skinny jeans and a little black down vest, with basketball shorts and a plain white shirt for his pj's.

We walked to the checkout, buying all the clothes that only totaled up to about a hundred and fifty bucks. There goes my paycheck again, but I don't mind. The kids looked happy and I was glad to keep them that way. I gave Gold some money and told him to take them to get ice cream, and while he went to the food court I decided to take a look around the stores. Something in one of them caught my eye, and I realized it was a box full of embroidery floss. I remembered making bracelets out of them as a kid, and had the urge to buy it. Another ten bucks down the drain, but I had a good idea for them.

~time skips~

I sat on my bed, a safety pin attached to the blankets. It hadn't taken me too long to relearn how to make them, and right now I was quickly tying knots with sore fingers. I enjoyed it though. After a quick knock I heard Gold come in, and looked up to see him watching me.

"You can come sit on the bed y'know." I laughed, patting the sheets beside me. He sat down, staring at the bracelet I was making.

"What is that?"

"It's a bracelet. I thought I'd make them for the kids." I pointed to each of the three already finished ones. "Pink, orange, yellow and white for Chickadee, Blue, red, green and black for Bon-Bon, and brown, blue, black and white for Fred." I pointed to the one I was finishing. "Purple, red, black and white for Marion, of course."

"That's cute." Gold smiled. "So how are you feeling about you and Foxy?"

"What do you mean?"

He pulled my sleeve down slightly, enough to reveal Foxy's bite mark. "You don't exactly take care to hide this."

I blushed, yanking my sleeve back up. "I didn't know it was obvious."

"For you it wasn't. Foxy literally had me look at his back yesterday morning, said it didn't feel right. Minni, there were eight scabbed over lines and at least twenty other red scratches on his shoulders and his back." He held back a laugh as he grinned. "You can do some damage."

"Was it really that bad?!" I laughed, my hand over my mouth.

"Yes." He snickered.

"To answer your question, I'm happy. He's happy. I wouldn't trade anything we've done together for the world. I'm sure you feel the same about Bonnie."

"Yes, I do." He smiled. "Now, if only we could get Chica and Freddy to hook up."

I paused for a moment before cracking up. "That would be absolutely perfect. How in the hell would we do it though?"

"Oh, I think I have an idea."

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