The loving friends

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A/N hey um so I got a special request for this, ummm I don't usually write smut so this is a warning for my shitty writing skills and also for smut. So smut warning. Yeah. Proceed xD

I lay in Foxy's arms, the curtains to pirates cove now open wide. He wasn't letting me out of his reach, not again. I was glad for it, glad to have my fox back. It felt like years since I'd seen him last. His head was leaning against mine, and it almost felt like he was purring softly.

Looking around, I saw everyone getting along. The toys were crowded around May of course, just begging for more sugar, while Freddy, Chica and Bonnie were all talking to Gold, Marion and Mike. I guess they decided that Foxy and I needed our time to ourselves.

"Aye, love," he nudged the side of my head. "I hope ye know that Mangle ain't be my first mate. I gave you that position, it be yours forever."

"I know." I leaned back into him with a happy sigh. "She isn't half as good at being a pirate as I am."

"That she ain't be." He chuckled, kissing my cheek.

"So what was it like? Do you remember being out of control or no?"

"I do. I remember screaming at the top of me lungs for someone to hear me, but nobody e'er did. Then when ye came back, and I said all those nasty things...I'm sorry lassie."

"It's okay," I turned slightly, only to kiss him gently. "I love you Foxy. I know you didn't mean a word of it."

"I love ye too Minni." He grinned, lifting his hand up to pull my hair stick out, letting my black waves fall over my shoulders. I hadn't noticed but it was about an inch longer than it had been. "It's nice to see this again."

"See what?"

"The pouty look ye give me when I do that." He chuckled, kissing my forehead.

"I don't pout." I felt myself involuntarily pout, which made me blush heavily as he just snickered. "Dammit."

"Aye, sure ye don't." He suddenly looked around, a serious look oh his face. After a second he stood up, helping me to my feet and bringing me further inside of pirates cove.

"Where are we going?" I whispered as he opened up the doors to the backstage. A sudden static noise overflowed, and he laughed.

"Toss me my hook."

I picked it up, throwing it at him. He caught it and placed it on his hand before disappearing into the room, and after the sound of smashing, came back out with a squirming animatronic on the end of it.

"Aye!" He shouted, walking to the edge. "Who be wanting to dismantle the traitor fox!"

"Put me down!" Mangle squirmed as the kids rushed over, all grinning. They weren't good grins though.

"If ye say so." He laughed darkly, letting her fall into their arms. I held my hand over my mouth as I watched them purposefully dismember her, leaving her on while they did so. The other animatronics all looked on, approving grins on their faces.

"Now that was just cruel." I laughed as he returned to the darkness, grabbing my hand and pulling me into the backstage.

"Yes, but there be reason I did it."

All of a sudden I was pinned against the wall, Foxy's hand holding my wrists above my head. He kissed me ferociously, his other hand sliding down my waist and to the hem of my shirt. Just as his tongue slipped into my mouth his hand delved underneath the fabric, his touch trailing back up to my breasts. I felt the butterflies I had when we first kissed, along with a rising heat in my body. I knew he was doing this on purpose.

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