The park

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When breakfast was over, everyone was starting to get redressed and waking up more. Bonnie looked like he felt a lot better, the color was returning to his face and he was smiling more. Mike and May were still trying not to cry, and there were even plans of marriage being passed around.

"If there's going to be a marriage, you guys have to call mom and dad." I said as I passed by the living room. "They'd be furious to find out that one of their daughters eloped with some unknown boy."

"Yeah, you're right." May sighed. "Pass me my phone, will you?"

I tossed her the phone before running up the stairs, finding Foxy in my room. He was pulling his jacket on, stretching out as he did so. I walked up behind him, wrapping my arms around his waist and resting my cheek on his back. He chuckled, tangling his fingers in mine.

"Aye lass, so what we be doing for the rest o' the day?"

"Depends," I looked out the window, seeing clear skies for miles. "Do you want to just stay here, or do you want to go do something?"

"What something we be doin'?"

"Hmm. Well, there's a park downtown, if that sounds fun."

"Anything with you and the family be sounding fun to me." He turned in my arms, wrapping his own around me. He kissed me gently, a kiss that lingered even after he pulled away.

"Okay. I'll go tell everyone." I smiled and pulled out of his arms, feeling his hand grip mine as I led him from the room and into the hall. We ran right into Marion, who was wearing her new clothes. She smiled at me, holding out her cherry ties.

"Can you put my hair up?"

"Of course, but," I leaned down, picking her up. "You've got to come downstairs with us."

"Okay." She giggled. "So how drunk did you guys get last night?"

"Marion!" Foxy laughed. "How do ye know about that?"

"You guys reeked of alcohol this morning. The toys might not know what it is, but I do." She snickered as we got to the bottom of the steps. "I also heard Chica shout 'fuck' last night."

"Language sis." I laughed.

"Hey, just because I look like I'm eight doesn't mean I am eight." She laughed loudly.

"Well...just keep that kind of language in the house. I'd look like a bad role model if people caught you swearing like a sailor." I chuckled, walking into the front room. Everyone was just sort of lounging around, watching the tv and enjoying the time away from the pizzeria.

I set Marion down on the floor and sat behind her, beginning to braid her hair. She was humming the tune to her music box, which was now sitting in a display cabinet across the room.

"So what's today's plan?" Freddy asked, stretched out on the couch beside Chica. Gold and Bonnie were cuddling on the other end.

"I thought we could all go to the park. It's really nice out today, and I think it would be good to expose you guys to a little bit of how the real world works." I smiled. "You up for it?"

"Hell yeah." Chica smiled.

"You know, you're getting a worse potty mouth than me." Bonnie commented, and she just shot him a glare.

"Everyone in this house has a bad potty mouth." I laughed, remembering Marion's slip on the stairs. "Anyway, we'll leave in about fifteen, I need to get Mike to drive some of us since there isn't a lot of room."

"Sounds good." Gold smiled.

I stood up, walking up the stairs and down to May's room. I knocked on the door, listening for May's 'come in' before entering. Her and Mike were both folding laundry that was in a pile at the end of the bed.

Survive the Light (Sequel to Survive the Night)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن