The Other Side

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~~~College Life~~~

My freshman year was actually quite exciting, not the party-get-drunk kind of exciting but more of the holy hot guys kind of exciting. As I am a commuter, I knew my college experience might kind of go down the drain a bit into the boring side so I decided to take it upon myself to enjoy every single moment I am on campus. I befriended so many people in such a short time so I never really had a alone moment on campus. I would always go to events, concerts and what not my school offered. So, obviously I passed a lot of people. You might think this is normal for any kid really, but not my parents. This kind of behavior is outrageous to them.

"You are too outgoing", they say.

"But when will you study?"

"What club meeting? Night club?"

"Of course, who know what or who you are doing at school?"

They weren't really all that wrong though. I wanted to go to night clubs, but was it even possible in the slightest? No. I wanted to test out relationships, but was that even possible? Yes. 

To put it in layman term, I was completely guy crazy. The kid could be the biggest douchebag in the world, but if he is good looking I go crazy and want to jump into a date. But the feelings were usually not reciprocated. Until Junior year that is. 

At home, I am quite a character. I  'study' all day, not really do much house work, kind of bum around a lot, and am fairly friendly with my parents. They trust me not to date people behind their back and work for my grades. The later part I am good with, and the first part I was doing well until he came to my life.

Now, I don't really like talking much about him. I kind of like to think he never happened and its been working. I've already had too much experience getting over guys fairly quickly but he wasn't just all guys. He was amazing-an amazing person, with an amazing attitude. I knew I was cheating my parents when I first let him hug me. I am not supposed to hug boys- that is promiscuous in Indian society. Especially if that certain hug was meant to be more than friendly. And when I let him take me out to lunch, I didn't think much of it. And when he slowly started pulling me closer to him casually, I never suspected anything. When he started making my days brighter and my stress that much more bearable, I started to fear. I was head over heels for him by then, but I was hoping he didn't suspect my intentions for him.

Caleb Ryes changed my life.

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