Part X

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PART 10:


I slowly opened my eyes, l looked around. I was in my room, how did I get here.. I slowly sat up, my head was aching. Some light was in the corner of my room, I tried to focus. It was Daniel, Daniel was sitting in the corner, he was texting. I looked at him, "Y-You brought me here". Daniel nodded, "How do you feel?". He looked concerned, I blushed, "Tired"

Daniel nodded, he searched me. "You were in the New York Franklin Theater shooting..", I slowly nodded, starting to shake again. "And.. James was with you?" I could see he was reading an article about the deaths in the theater.

I nodded slowly, my chest started to ache again. This burning sensation, it always happened when I talked about the incident.

Daniel looked at me "Jamerson Anderson?" I choked on the air, starting to cough again. Nobody used that name for James ever. He hated it, he really did. Only the news did, and his parents when he was in big trouble..

"He.. He.. I.. He" I tried to talk, but words just didn't want to leave my throat, they were stuck.

Tears starting to escape again.

Daniel stood up, "Do you mind if I sit next to you?" I slowly shook my head, my nerves were going insane. I was trembling, everything was aching. Daniel sat next to me, gently not taking too much space or touching me, "I understand why it's hard for you" he said softly. I didn't know what to say, Daniel didn't know what happened.

I had to tell him now..

But how..

Daniel looked at me, "I'm not gonna push you, if you wanna talk about it.. feel free but if you wanna wait or want me to go.. feel free to do that also." He gave a reassuring smile, I smiled small back, that was cute.

My chest started to ache more, yeah I know it's not James but it was cute. Daniel does literally everything to calm me down or cheer me up, all I do is being mean and trying to push him away.

I was gathering all my strength to tell my story, finally sombody would know and Daniel was the one that would listen or wasn't gonna use it against me. He would protect me and keep me out of the flashbacks and tell me I am safe, James was amazing and it's not weird to cry over him.

I'm sorry James though, it feels like betrayal. But I don't mean to, I just want somebody to know. Somebody to care again, nobody can be ever as bright as you.

I had to do it now, it was now or never.

I was scared, really scared.

I took a deep breath again.

My heart was pounding insane, it made my chest hurt even more.

"W-Well.." I started, Daniel looked at me right away. Showing his interest, also showing concern. "J-James and I-I, we went t-to concerts v-very of-often" I tried to talk but my body really didn't want me to.

I had to though, I have to fight myself and get everything of my chest.

Daniel nodded, "The Franklin Theater was our f-favorite theater, it had the alternative b-bands and stuff.." Daniel nodded again, he was not asking questions which was a relieve. "O-One night James surprised me with tickets and even though it was his favorite band, I was surprised and happy I could go with my favorite person in the world." I played with my fingers.

"I had a bad feeling, but James talked me through it and he was like a kid on christmas, excited, jumpy, energetic et cetera"

I took a deep breath "Once we were inside, everything was fine, James and I were dancing, singing, kissing. Everything a couple does you know. The band was great live, it was a great time." Daniel nodded again.

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