Part IV

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I moved here because my dad found a better job, while we were moving the boxes the neighborhood looked quiet and nice, I guess that is what you call it. Some neighbors stopped by to introduce themselves or to help bringing the moving boxes inside.

The mother from Avian did too, I never thought a moment about that they maybe could have a kid.. a kid that had some huge demons with him. Now as I lay on my bed staring out my window, I can see their house.

I have no clue which window is his, but I'm guessing the one with the black curtains the room itself is pitchblack. Even though the lights were turned on, did he have a bad dream? His house was different from the mine, otherwise I could have looked around.

My other school back in my old town.. we didn't really have a "one man freak show", I was the one that got bullied because I rather sit aside than play sports. I know what it feels like to be called names, but yet when I saw this boy crying and trying to get the pieces of a picture together while whispering a name. I was heart breaking honestly.

I felt like a magnet getting pulled to him, he really didn't feel like talking. But something in me was waking up, it felt like pop-eye was waking up inside. The urge to protect him, then it happened I picked up a piece from the picture the boy forgot. I still don't know what exactly happened but I guess I touched him.

He started to scream and cry, lose his shit. All I wanted to do was hold him, care for him. I started quietly freaking out too calling his name; James. He started to freak out even worse, "No this little fuckers name isn't James who the hell told you?" A voice came from behind me "Fuckers name is Avian".

The voice belonged to Davy.

Davy was so interested in me since that moment.. And the boy that apparently was called Avian was now really losing his shit. He even dropped the pieces of the picture again, teachers escorting him away. I looked at the pieces of the picture, "I need to help him" I told myself.

Davy made me his friend, like it was some kind of present. The bell rang, the people disappeared from the hallway. I grabbed my chance and searched for all the pieces from the picture, when I finally had them I ran outside. Only to see Avian who was still crying stepping in a car.

I felt horrible, I don't know why but I felt this attraction. Not in a sexual way though, I'm not gay. But anyway I decided to skip the rest of the school day to fix the picture.

Once back in my bedroom I can't do nothing but wondering what was up with Avian, I liked his name not one you hear alot. I tried to fix the picture which only resulted into glueing the pieces to my fingers and alot of cursing. But after 5 hours I did it! I fixed the picture!

I studied the picture: That clearly is Avian, looking happy, bright eyes, happy smile but the other guy.. The other guy had pink hair, a beanie and the brightest smile I have ever seen, sparkling eyes like a child where parents gave in to let him have the ice cream he wanted on a hot day. I kept staring at it, James that's what Avian said. Is he called James, I'll ask tomorrow it's pretty late by now.

Next day Davy was picking onto Avian, Avian on the other side was completely in thoughts, he didn't even know Davy was picking onto him until the bell rang and his eyes got that terrified and depressed look again. But Davy was already tired of him not reacting and made his way down the hallway. I stood behind his lockerdoor accidentally scaring him to death like the idiot I was.

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