Part VI

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I tried my best to sleep, I was tired but my brain wouldn't let me. What did my dad mean with 'Daniel reminds me of someone' I sat up layed James' beanie aside and looked out of my window.

One light upstairs was burning now, there was a figure standing by it. Was he climbing on the roof? I stayed low to the corner of my window, what was this figure doing. The figure layed down, I looked up to the sky. It was a nice evening, you could actually see alot of stars because it was new moon..


Was he looking at the stars?

I leaned outside my window trying to get a better look at what was happening. It was Daniel on the roof? I couldn't see it.

It reminded of something James and I did, it was a good memory; James had taken me to a field with our 5 year anniversary. It was pitch black there and only James had a torch, while we were walking to the right place my feet got stuck in a rabbit hole and instead of worrying if I didn't broke my leg or something.. James first had a laugh kick for about 10 minutes.

Meanwhile I freed my foot and checked if anything was broken, my leg was fine and out of nowhere James stood next to me checking if I was okay, he finally got a hold of himself and was now worried. When he found out I was fine he laughed his butt off again telling me it was something that could only happen to me.

Walking did hurt though so he picked me up bridalstyle and walked to a spot, we could see the whole milkeyway from there, we even saw some shooting stars. Each time James saw one he told me all he wished was that we would be together forever, I couldn't wish for more. James gave me his jacket like a real gentleman and he even brought a blanket with him especially for me.

That night was perfect, even the sex was great under millions of stars. He even had champagne, his parents bought it for him.

One year after this.. James died..

I layed down, put the covers over me and started at the ceiling. James and I knew each other since we were 4 years old, we always played together mostly stupid boy games like police man. Once we played we were an couple and our teacher gave us detention, which lead to our parents in total rage.

James was my first kiss and my first french kiss and he took my virginity.

Our parents always told us that we were ment for each other once we got a relationship. When I was twelve years old I was ashamed of myself and I tried "dating" girls because people kept saying I was gay because James and I were always together and super close, James was always there for me and when I finally realized it..

That day we were sitting on the couch in my living room, I was close to to my thirteenth birthday, it was pouring outside and James and I were watching a movie but halfway through the movie I started complaining about this girl called Elena that dumped me for being 'gay'.

James was listening and playing with my hair, saying she was wrong and I shouldn't worry. I looked at James ready to start an argument and it just hit me how gorgeous he was. I stared at him for a solid ten minutes trying to process what was going on, James kept asking if I was alright.

I just pulled him close and kissed him.

I know it sounds like a bad gay romantic fairytale. It was exactly like a fairytale though.

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