My words were cut off as I ran into a tall and broad person, immediately feeling flushed.

"I'm so sorry- Thomas." I gasped, immediately feeling bile come up my throat when I saw a small purple bruise forming underneath his jaw. 

"Hello darling. Out for some shopping I see?" 

"Hi Jude," Ray squeaked as I turned to the left and saw Jude.

"This is quite the run-in isn't it?" Jude grinned, winking at Andraya. 

"Indeed. What are you two doing here?" I asked, still glaring at Thomas' newly forming hickey. 

"Just lurking about out before finals start. Doing the usual- coffee, books,-" Thomas informed boringly. 

"Checking out more girls to toy around with?" I seethed through gritted teeth. 

Why are you so angry? He was never yours to begin with...

Lucky for you, you were probably his favorite toy...

It all would've worked if you just ignored him Gen...

Okay seriously you heads are making my head hurt.

"Gen?" Ray nudged, giving me a look of worry. 

"Let's find our dresses," I smiled, changing the subject. 

"Mind if we tag along?" Jude grinned. 

"Actually, since Jude and I are going to the dance together, we figured that he could help me shop for my outfit. Vice versa for you and Thomas," she bubbled happily as Jude had his arm wrapped around her waist, holding her close to his side.  

"Bye!" Jude gleamed as the two of them sped off to who knows where. 

Snapping out of my thoughts, I noticed that Thomas had taken the liberty in enveloping me in his arms. 

"Not so fast Saint ManSlut. Wouldn't your 'girlfriend' be angry if she saw you with me?" I lashed while gesturing to his bruise. 

"Gen it's-"


               I could practically hear my blood pounding in my ears as I walked to the nearest shop in search of a stupid dress for a stupid dance I didn't even want to go to. Turning around, I saw that Thomas was  right on my tail.  

Pondering over the hundred dress choices in the smallest and probably oldest of all the stores in the entire mall, none of these seemed to spark anything in me and all of these certainly screamed "I'm a basic ass dress." 

Suddenly, I felt a black bag hit my back, turning around and seeing that it was none other than a garment bag that Thomas had aimed to hit me directly. 

"Try it on," he muttered sheepishly, probably embarrassed at the fact that he had picked out a dress quicker than me. 

"And why should I?" 

"That is why we came here, right?" he grinned, noticing that he was holding a garment bag of his own. 

"I hate you..." I murmured. 

"I love you too Gen," he winked. 

The dressing rooms were oddly empty. When I took the dress out of its casing, I couldn't help but widen my eyes and gasp in shock. 

It was a beautifully faded peach dress with scattered floral lace and knee-length tulle. Stepping into the dress felt like a match made in heaven. A dressing room attendee helped me lace up the back. 

"This is probably the oldest dress we have in the store," the woman informed. "The owner's grandmother passed it down generation to generation." 

"If you don't mind me asking, why is this for sale?" I peeped quietly. 

"She says the dress chooses the wearer. Her daughter passed away before she even graduated. Done," she smiled, jumping to another, happier topic. 

Facing the mirror, everything fit into place. The lace material fell perfectly over my shoulders and accentuated my waistline while magically making my legs appear longer. 

I decided to walk outside and see if Thomas had ditched me yet, but to my surprise, he was wearing a sleek black tux with a cobalt blue tie. He nearly choked on his on breath as his eyes caught mine. 

"Gen- you- you look- breathtaking," he made out. 

"You don't look too shabby either..." I said quietly. 

"Look, about-" he gestured to his jaw. "-this. I didn't hook up with anyone. I swear."

"Oh so a hickey magically-"

"It's not a bloody hickey. Ashley came over yesterday and talked about our 'previous relationship.' She  said I had to choose between her or you and-"

"Who did you choose?" I cut off impatiently. 

"I chose Jude," he remarked sarcastically. "Of course I chose you. After that, she got all pissy and punched me. Rings make the best 'I'm never talking to you again so don't bother hooking up with me again' gift."

"Oh Thomas..." I said wrapping my arms around him.

"Who did you choose?" he chuckled, nuzzling his nose into my hair. 

Lifting my head and staring into his eyes, I pressed my lips against his and grinned. 



How to Turn a Bad Boy Good; A Thomas Brodie-Sangster StoryWhere stories live. Discover now