Chapter 95 : Pregnacy

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| Helen |

The tour was only 2 weeks away now.

Which means only one and half more months of school. I was really hoping to spend summer with the guys and do crazy shit, but they'll have fun traveling the world, meeting fans and performing in front of thousands.

Calum has been trying his hardest to please me. Got me flowers, took me on special dates, told me he loved me every day, made sure to tell me I was beautiful.

I didn't mind, I liked it.

It was on a Friday afternoon when Luke came to me.

I was sitting on the couch scrolling through social medias, in particular, Twitter. Luke sat in the couch adjacent to me and stared at me.

I looked up from my phone.

"What?" I asked.

"So I want to pull a prank on Calum. You in?"

I shrugged, "Why not? What do you have in mind?"

"Well this is what I was thinking. We'll get you to take a special pill that makes you throw up. You take it, we'll get a pregnancy test that reads positive and just scare the crap out of him!" Luke explained.

"How do you know he'll get scared?" I asked.

"No guy, especially one who is about to go on a worldwide tour, would like to have his girlfriend pregnant. Trust me."

I smiled evilly, "Let's do it."

And with that the plan was in session.

| Calum |

Helen and I were in her kitchen. She said she had bad cravings.

"I want some Nutella," She said. "But I can also go fro a Big Mac from McDonalds."

"Well, the-"

"Strawberries dipped in chocolate sounds really good right now," She mumbled and opened the fridge.

I opened my mouth to say something but she spoke up before I could start.

"Do we have any chips?" She asked and opened the cabinet's doors.

Helen jumped up to grab the bag and opened it.

She immediately began shoving chips in her mouth.

After eating half of the bag, she chugged down nearly a whole bottle of water.

"Don't you think you've had enough?" I asked.

"You calling me fat?" She asked angrily.

I held my hands up, "No! I'm just saying."

She glared at me and ate a different bag of chips.

Luke walked through the front door clutching a McDonalds bag.

He set it on the counter and Helen ripped the bag open before devouring the Big Mac.

Luke stared at her in horror.

"Helen, are you okay?" He asked.

"I'm fine! Just have the munchies," She replied.

"Why are you acting like a bitch?" He asked.

"I'm not! I'm just hungry!" She shouted.

"Good luck with that train wreck," Luke whispered to me and pointed his thumb to Helen.

After eating her food, Helen went to her room and I followed.

"Are your cravings satisfied?" I asked and lay on her bed.

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