Chapter 75 : This Is My Independence Day

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| Helen |

I stood 10 feet away from him.

He had a huge smile spread across his face.

I glared at him.

"Helen! You're back!" He beamed and rushed forward to hug me.

Before he could even touch me, I felt someone pull me away.

It was Luke. He held me tightly and both Michael and Ashton were holding him back.

I understand why, Luke was raging mad.

I turned my attention away from Luke and to Brad.

Calum stood in front of him. He was several inches taller than Brad, but Brad didn't back down.

"Don't you ever fucking touch her again, got me?" Calum asked dangerously calm.

"Who the hell are you?" Brad asked.

"I'm Helen's boyfriend," Calum replied.

"What are you talking about? She's mine, always has been and always will," Brad said.

I wanted to scream.

How can he be so stupid?

"Yours?" Calum laughed, "She used to be yours. Not anymore."

I released myself from Luke's tight grip.

I looked up at him, "It's okay," I said.

His eyes kept the same rage as he continued glaring at the ex in front of me.

I got in between Calum and Brad. I placed a hand on Calum's cheek and drove his attention away from Brad.

He looked down at me.

His eyes softened.

"Calm down, please," I said knowing that this would get nowhere if it involved violence. "Let me talk. I could do this."

"I just don't want anything bad to happen to you," He whispered.

"Nothing will happen to me," I said.

Calum backed away and I turned to Brad.

"Brad, yes, I am back. No, I am not here to get back together. We ended two months ago."

"But I want you back," he said.

I laughed, "You want me back? I specifically remember the day I told you I was leaving to Australia, you said 'Leave, do whatever you want to do. I don't care anymore bitch.' Remember Brad? I sure as hell do."

He clenched his jaw.

"That girl you were dating for a year, that was never me. You built that girl, you controlled her. She was your dream girl. My closet is full of colorful crop tops and high waisted shorts that you chose and liked, that was not me. This," I motioned to my outfit of black jeans, Green Day shirt and black converse, "This is me. Yes, we were the power couple at this school, but I never enjoyed it, you were the one who enjoyed the attention. I hated it and you knew it. So guess what? I'm over this and I'm over you. I am not gonna waste my life away. This is my Independence Day."

"Is that all?" Brad asked.

"No. I didn't come for that. You know Adin right? My best friend of almost 9 years. He's been there for me my whole life, and now he's in the hospital. Anyway after you left my house and you left me there, alone, crying and in pain, Adin came to check on me. He's the one that was there, not you, Adin was. And I knew that you always hated him. You hated it when I talked to him, when I texted him and when I hung out with him. You hated him with a passion. And I knew that you would be the one to put him in that hospital bed," I stepped closer to him. "Not very brave of you to round up a couple of your buddies and have them attack Adin. You knew Adin took boxing and that he was stronger than you ever where. You're nothing but a coward, Brad. I don't know what I ever saw in you."

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