Chapter 1 : Home

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| Helen |

I looked out the window, the plane was lading on the runway. Australia looks beautiful, it hasn't changed since I left 8 years ago. I was 7 at the time. My parents got split up and my dad took me to America. My brother stayed in Australia with our Mom. I can't wait to finally see my brother! I never lost contact with him.

I should introduce myself, my name is Helen Hemmings. Luke Hemmings is my older brother and my best friend. He is only only by a couple months, but he still rubs it in my face. I'm sixteen. While I was in California, I got tanner and I'm pretty sure is still somewhat pale. We don't really look alike, he has blonde hair, I have black hair, but we both have the same bright blue eyes. I'm so happy I got to move back.

Everybody started getting up and I did the same. I gathered my things and stuffed my three books into my bag. I made my way out and stepped into the Australian weather, it was warm and sunny. I slipped my sunglasses on. I walked over to the airport to get my bag, it was crowded, but since I'm short and small, I managed to push past the people. I grabbed my bags that had my name on it and wen over to where the people picked up their travelers.

I scanned the crowd, until I spotted a tall blonde haired boy, none other than Luke Hemmings. We wore the exact same thing, except I was wearing black shorts instead of black tight jeans. We both had he same black and red flannel and black Converse. His eyes met mine and they widened.

"Luke!" I yelled.

He ran towards me and hugged me tight, causing me to wince in pain, but I still hugged him back.

"God, Helen! You got so big!"

"Not really, I'm pretty short. But look at you, you must be 6 feet tall!"

He smiled, "Maybe."

I laughed and ruffled his hair, even thought I had to stand on my toes to do so. He hugged me again.

"I missed you so much, the past eight years have been lonely."

"Don't worry Luke. I'm back and I'm not leaving. I won't lose you again," I reply.

Luke kisses my forehead, "Hope not. C'mon, let's head home. Mum isn't home so that is why I had to pick you up."

"Okay," I grabbed my bag and two luggage bags. While Luke carried my precious books in another suitcase. We walked towards a beautiful black car and my jaw dropped.

"Luke, is this your car?" I asked.

"Yea, why?" He gave me a puzzled look.

"It's beautiful," I say.

"Thanks Hel," he replied.

"Hel?" I asked.

"Yea, is there a problem?"

"Oh, sassy aren't we?" I reply.

"Shut up and put the things in the car," Luke says laughing.

We put my things in the trunk and I get in the passenger's seat. Luke pulls out of the airport lot and gets on the road. I am surprised that he is a good driver. Damn.

"So how's the band?" I ask.

"Oh it's great, can't wait for you to meet them tomorrow. You'll hit it off with them immediately."

"How can you tell?" I ask.

"Well, you are the girl version of me, except with black hair and tanner skin."

I laugh, "What are your band mates' names?"

"Ashton, Michael, and Calum. You'll love them, especially Calum."

"What's up with Calum?"

A devilish grin spread across his face, "Well, you can figure that out."

I didn't like his reply, or his smile. Especially his smile. I know Luke and he is up to something. If he is planning on setting me up with Calum, I'm not sure about that. My last relationship ended with me having trust issues and permanent scars.

Hey guys! So this is the first chapter to my story and I had posted it on Movellas, but I want to see if any of you on here like it. So give feedback if you'd like! :-) xx -SmirnoffHood

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