Chapter 61 : Back In Black

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| Helen |

Luke and I were sitting in his car eating cinnamon rolls and drinking coffee. I drank milk cause I don't like coffee.

We had a box of cinnamon rolls sitting between us. School started in thirty minutes so we were waiting for the guys to get here. I had my feet propped up and the dashboard as I took a bite from my third cinnamon roll. We listened to the music playing from the radio, it repeated the same songs.

"Can you put good music on?" I asked.

Luke changed the station. 'Go Go Go' by Sleeping With Sirens began to play.

"Yes! I love this song," I said.

"Same here."

We listened and watched blankly out the windshield window as the school parking lot began to fill with students and their cars. A car parked next to Luke's but I didn't bother looking, I was too engulfed into my food.

Damn this roll was good.

I heard someone knock on my side of the window, I turned my head and Calum stood there, smiling back at me. I let out a small laugh and rolled down the window.

"It smell like cinnamon in here," Calum said.

"What the hell! You guys bought a box of cinnamon rolls and you aren't sharing?" Michael asked.

I turned my head into the other direction and Luke had his window rolled down too. Michael and Ashton stood on the other side.

"We were going to share, we just waiting for you guys," Luke said.

Calum reached over me and grabbed a cinnamon rolls from the box. As he was I quickly pecked his cheek.

He gave me a cheeky smile.

"You're so cute, babe," He said.

"Do I get a kiss on my cheek too?" Michael asked.

"Hey, she's my girlfriend," Calum said.

"But she's my sister," Luke said.

"What's that have to do with anything?" I asked.

Luke shrugged, "Just thought I had to point that out."

"Okay, let's ignore that and just eat," I said.

Everyone agreed and grabbed some rolls.

"These are amazing," Calum said.

"And still warm," Ashton pointed out.

They finished the cinnamon rolls and had fifteen minutes until school started. We all got out. I swung my backpack over my shoulder as the other got their backpacks from their cars. There were a few people still in the parking lot, other than that it was empty, no sign of students. Everyone was already inside.

I had on my favorite AC/DC shirt. It seemed relevant because I was currently on the highway to hell.

We weaved our way through the parked cars and towards the school's doors.

Luke said that Rebecca still wasn't back on Friday, so I'm sure she'll be back today. I don't want to deal with her crap, so I just hope she leaves me alone and doesn't talk bullshit.

We walked through the school doors.

Everyone fell silent. Really? Don't they only do that in dramatic high school movies?

"Just walk," Luke said.

And I did.

"She punched Rebecca Green in the nose," I heard someone whisper.

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