Chapter 67 : Reunited

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| Helen |

It's been a week since the New Year's Eve party. I'm still trying to remember what happened. But I tried to forget about it, just because remembering the party brings the memory of that awful hangover.

I was listening to music when my phone ran. I picked my phone up.

The screen read: Daddddd

I tapped the screen.

"Hi dad!" I said.

"Sorry I wasn't able to call you, sweetheart, I was busy at work," He apologized.

I frowned, "It's okay. I understand. But how was your New Years?"

"It was great, spent it with some of the guys in Beverly Hills," he replied.

"That's cool."

"What did you do? Anything interesting?"

"No, just stayed home with Luke, ya know nothing crazy," I lied. "Hey did Adin ask you for 100 dollars?"

"Yea, what was that about?"

"It was a bet. And he won so he got 100 bucks," I replied.

"Mhmm. Billie Joe misses you, just sits there and mourns."

I felt my heart shatter, "My poor baby. I miss Billie too."

"It's pretty sad actually, he always sleeps on your bed and looks out the window."

I tried to hold back tears. Billie Joe and I were inseparable since I adopted him.

"Don't cry, sweetheart," Dad said.

"I'm not crying," I sniffle.

"Don't lie."

"I just miss him so damn much!" I said and burst out crying.

"Things will get better, don't worry."

"I hope you're right."

"I am. I have to go. I'll call you tomorrow, hopefully."

"Okay, bye Dad, take care."

"You too, baby girl."

I hung up.

I was texting. Calum when the door bell rang. I heard Luke open the door.

"Helen!" He called. "Did you order a dog?"

I furrowed my eyebrows.


"What?" I asked.

As soon as I said that I heard a dog bark and start whining.

"Oh fuck," Luke shouted.

I jumped off the bed and looked over the staircase.

"Billie Joe!" I called. And the dog began crying out.

I couldn't believe my eyes.

"Let him out!" I said.

Luke opened the door and Billie burst out the kennel door. He ran towards me and I wrapped my arms around his neck and cried into his furry muzzle.

Billie was wagging his tail violently. I feared it would fall off.

I pulled away and Billie began licking my face.

"No Billie," I laughed.

"That's Billie Joe?" Luke asked.

"Yea," I sniffled and wiped my tears.

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