Chapter 77 : Music For Sleeping Band Members

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| Luke |

I slowly opened my eyes. The sun was still out so that means I wasn't asleep for long.

But how long was I asleep?

I looked around.

Calum was snoozing away on the couch.

Along with Ashton and Michael.

The music was still playing, soothing and melodic.

I looked at my knuckles, they weren't swollen and red. They also aren't cold anymore.

Helen must have taken the ice pack off my hands.

Not recently though.

I checked the time.

6:05 PM

I've been sleeping for almost three hours.

My stomach growled.

I pushed myself off the couch and groaned.

I touched the scar above my eyebrow. It wasn't hurting anymore.

That's good.

I walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge.

I grabbed a water bottle and twisted the cap off.

The ice cold water refreshed my dry throat.

I heard a dog's bark.

I went through the kitchen to the glass door that opened into the backyard.

Billie Joe stood out there.

He was looking up at me.

I opened the door and he walked inside.

Why would Helen leave him outside?

I pushed the thought aside and stepped out into the yard.

The garden had various fruit trees.

Can't believe Helen lived in such luxury.

Where is she anyway?

I walked back inside just in time to heard Calum grunt.

I slid the glass door shut and went back into the living room.

Billie Joe was laying on top of Calum, the dog's head was rested on Calum's tigh.

"He likes you," I said.

"He's such a cutie," Calum said and rubbed Billie's muzzle.

"Hey where's Helen?" I asked.

"I don't know, I barely woke up," Calum replied.

"She was outside when I last talked to her," Ashton spoke up.

I looked over to him and he and Michael were rubbing the sleep off.

"I feel way better," Michael said.

"Yea same here," Calum agreed.

"I'm going to check her room," I said and started going up the grand staircase.

I opened her bedroom door and she wasn't there.

Her bag was still unpacked.

The California air slowly moved the white see-through curtains that hung in front of the wide window.

The bathroom door was open and it was dark in there.

Where the hell is she?

I swear you can never leave that girl alone for more than 30 minutes without her going missing.

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