Chapter 85 : Battle Lines

Start from the beginning

Andy: Hey

Andy: Hi

Andy: What's up

Andy: How you been?

Andy: Babyyy

Andy: I love you

Andy: Give me a chance

Andy: I swear I'll make it worth it

The most recent one was...

Andy: I still love you

I was fuming.

I scrolled to the top and saw that she replied to the texts.

Andy: Hi

Helen: Hello

Andy: You're very beautiful

Helen: Thank you, you're very handsome yourself.

I clenched my jaw and stormed out of the room.

I went up the stairs.

"Helen!" I called.

"In here," She said from her room.

I walked in and she was pulling her hair into a high ponytail.

"What's up?" She asked.

"What's this?" I asked and held her phone up.

"My phone," She replied.

"No, I mean what's 'Thank you, you're very handsome yourself' ? What the fuck, Helen!"

She took the phone from my hands and looked at it.

"Calum, that was a long time ago!"

"Oh really? Because apparently, he still loves you!"

"But did I say it back?"

"That's not the point."

"Then what is the point? You think I'm cheating on you?"

I looked away.

"You do, don't you?"

She looked at me with eyes filled with pain and anger.

"You think I'm fucking cheating on you. Calum I love you, I would never do that. Especially to you. Remember on Huntington Beach, I told you I trusted you whole heartily. One hundred percent trust you. I trust you enough to be around my phone! I have nothing to hide. But do you trust me? Apparently not. I let you take my damn virginity! And I didn't even ask if you were a virgin or not."

She exhaled. "Check the text I sent him Calum."

I did.

"That was back in December, before I even met you! I was single at the time, it was after my breakup with Brad. I'm way to deep in love with you to cheat on you, Calum. Keep my phone, look through it. I want to see if you trust me as much as I trust you. Maybe I was wrong about this relationship. Maybe it could have never worked out."

Her words shot me directly in the heart and I realized I screwed up.

"I'm done here," She said before storming out the door.

I heard her footsteps going down the stairs.

The rattling of keys is what made me bolt down the stairs.

She was already out the door when I was halfway down.

I opened the door and she was getting into her car. Before I could reach her she raced out of the driveway, tires screeching.

"Dammit!" I yelled.

I should have paid more attention to the text! Now she's gone, mad at me because of my quick to judge self. And I can't reach her because I have her phone!

I know she would never cheat, but why did I accuse her of doing it?

I'm just a jealous fool

I fell to my knees. I have to fix this.

I won't let her slip through my fingers, not like Brad did.

Can't believe this! Fucking shit.

I gotta get her back.

No matter what it takes, I'll fix this. Even if it takes starting all over again.

I looked out onto the driveway she drove out of.

"I do trust you, Helen. I love you."

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