Chapter 74 : Old School, New Problems

Start from the beginning

They ended up staying in a jail cell over night and Orla-dirty blonde mid-length hair with blue eyes-and I had to bail them out.

Now we all look back and laugh.

I saw two girls from my track team.

Katy, brown hair and brown eyes. All star in shot put and long jump. Next to her was Brianna, nose ring that made her look intimidating but was really a sweetheart, brown hair with natural blonde highlights and brown eyes. Brianna was an expert at hurdles and discus. All star too.

I saw Emily, blue with some green, eyes, dark brown hair with little dyed hair. She lived across from my house and we hung out on the weekends along with some other girls.

Nena, green eyes and brown hair with purple ombre.

Sarah, black hair with blue dyed ends and brown eyes.

Katie, brown straight hair with salt blue highlights and brown eyes.

Alyssa, blue/green eyes, blonde hair and freckles sprinkled her flawless face.

Maleah, brown eyes and short wavy black hair.

Annabelle, dark brown eyes and straight long hair.

Marley, brown hair and brown eyes.

Clary, long brown hair tips dyed green and brown eyes.

Lastly, Meg, medium brown hair with slight blonde. I noticed she wore an eternity ring on her middle finger of her left hand.

They all wore huge smiles.

They hadn't changed much. They were one of the most beautiful girls on the campus. Wouldn't be surprised if they weren't single anymore.

The girls pulled me into a huge group hug.

Madison and Brianna shed some tears.

"When are we going to party Helen?" Charlize asked me.

I laughed.

"What are you doing here?" Annabelle asked me.

"Yea, I thought you were living the dream in Australia!" Katie asked.

"And did you bring back hot Australian boys?" Madison asked.

"Not just one but four!" Nena beamed.

"Hey cutie, call me," Emily said and eyed Calum.

I snorted.

"Australians are so hot!" Brianna said.

"And tall," Marley agreed.

"I like the blonde one," Katy said and winked at Luke.

"The red haired dude is pretty hot," Sarah said.

"I have my eyes on the curly haired boy," Taylor said.

"Hey brown eyes," Orla said to Calum, "You single?"

The boys behind me were blushing like crazy. Probably because they were surrounded by a group of beautiful girls and they towered over them.

"Okay, settle down, and stop hitting on my brother and Orla," I said. "He's taken."

Orla's shoulders slumped slightly.

"Who's your brother?" Brooke asked.

"Luke," I replied and pointed to him.

"You guys look nothing like each other!" Taylor and Madison said in unison.

"Your the third person who told us that today," Luke said.

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