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hey sorry that it took me so long to upload.

i didn't even realise that it had been so long since i uploaded. anyway i hope you enjoy it. and please remember to comment and or vote.

here you are.


Drews point of view

I was in such a foul mood, and have been ever since I dropped Cassie off last night.

I hated seeing her walk away from me, but what I hated the most was coming home to hear loud moans coming from Jessie’s office. I didn’t bother to go and investigate. I knew what I would find if I did.

“Loud aren’t they?” Bar asked me.

“Very.” I said absently before I even knew that she was in my house. “What are you doing here?”

“You forgot didn’t you? Not that I blame you both, you’ve been distracted. Oh by the way Cassie’s watch was on the floor by the stairs when we arrived. Anyway, Robby thought that you would want to reschedule the meeting, so he arranged it for tomorrow after school. And seen as you left your phone here I put it in the calendar so that you would remember. I’m gonna go now, I wanna see Robby before bed. Night.”

And with that she walked out of the front door, leaving me alone in the foyer. I sighed as the moans got loader and decided to just go to bed.

I ended up not getting much sleep after all.

They just didn’t shut up. They just kept going at it all night long. When they did take a break I thought that would be it, but after a few minutes they started up again.

I was annoyed and tired, and afraid.

I had no idea how Cassie was going to act today. I would love for her to be all over me like how Illianna was with Jessie, but that was an almost futile hope. I knew that she would most likely never want to be near me anymore. But I would never be far from her, if that was her choice.

I had to drive today as Jessie was too busy making out with Illianna in the back of the car.

I sighed wanting nothing more than for it to be me and Cassie in the back seat.

When we got near the school Robby phoned me.

“Hey, man. You might want to hurry up, those pricks are at it again.”

Fury overtook me as I thought of all of the things that they might have planned for her. “I’ll be there in a few. Keep her safe for me.”

“On it. Besides if I didn’t then you know Bar would kill me.” He chuckled as he hung up, but I could still hear Bar yelling at him.

I found myself smiling at them, they were perfect for each other.

As I put my phone away, I looked in the rear view mirror and saw that they were still at it. “Will you two cut it out already? All this lovey dovey stuff is killing me.”

They pulled away from each other, turning bright red. “Sorry.” They both muttered.

I just shook my head and parked the car. I was eager to get to her, I really hoped that nothing has happened to her.

Just as I approached her locker I heard Bar said, “…stand to see you upset. They love you.”

“Who loves her?” I asked and she whirled around to face me, Jessie and Illianna.

My eyes made and held contact with Cassie’s.

 “We were just preventing her from opening her locker that has been stuffed full spi…” Robby was cut off as Barbra rammed her elbow into his ribs. “of the things she hates. And we didn’t really want her to have a break down.”

He's her mate, so why did he break her heart?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora