part thirteen

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a bit late but here we are

hope its alright

Cassie’s point of view

What the hell is going on?! How the hell did they get here so fast?

You know what I don’t care, as long as they can help Drew.

“Jessie, help him! PLEASE! Help him!” I cried.

“Cassie you need to close your eyes for a moment,” he said.

“What?! Why?!”

“Because I need you to calm down. And you cant do that when you can see everything, right now.”

“Jessie, please help him!”

“I can’t. Only you can. And you need to calm down in order to do that.”

“How can I help him?! He’s…He’s…” my tears were falling faster now, clogging up my throat making it hard to breathe let alone talk.

“Cassie?” Drew’s voice rasped out. “Listen to him.”

“Alright.” I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, trying to relax in this complicated situation. “What do I have to do?”

“First off, you, well you…you have to kinda…” he stalled.

“What? Just tell me!”

“You need to be naked.”

“WHAT?!” both Illianna and I yelled at the same time.

“Look it’s just the way it is okay? I don’t make the rules, I just follow them.”

“How would me taking my clothes off,” I refuse to say naked, “help get him to a hospital?”

“We’re not going to a hospital. Look there’s a lot to explain, and now isn’t the time. I will tell you that if you don’t do this then there is a chance that we will lose the Drew that we all know. He’ll be someone completely different. He might not even love you if he changes.”

“But he doesn’t love me now!”

“Cassie, he loves you more than anything or one in the world has ever loved before. He thinks about you all the time. Watches you at school to ensure you are safe. When you walk home on those on those sunny days in the summer, he follows you to make sure that no one hurts you. And if someone upsets you, they walk around with a black eye or a broken nose for their troubles. Please just do as I tell you and I’ll explain everything when he’s stable.”

“Okay.” I moved to remove my clothes but paused. “Um, I…uh…” God this is uncomfortable.

Drew’s point of view

“Jessie, turn around.” I rasped, when I saw Cassie’s discomfort. “Illianna, do you have anything I can cover my eyes with?”

“Oh yeah. Here.” She took off her jacket.

A small part of me was saddened that I wouldn’t get to see Cassie’s body, but the just wanted her to be comfortable. That’s all that matters, nothing else but that.

I glanced at Cassie and saw her looking uncomfortable but grateful for my intervention.

God I love her, I can’t leave her. I just can’t.

Slowly darkness descended as Illianna covered my eyes with her jacket. However I could still hear everything.

Every word spoken.

Every breath taken.

And every piece of clothing being removed. God, this was almost as bad as seeing her undress. I listened as she carefully folded her clothes, and placed them on the floor a few feet away.

“Okay, now what?” she asked, sounding really worried.

“Jessie,” I had to help her. “Enough just forget it. I’ll be fine.”

“No, Drew you won’t. I’m sorry, I really am. Believe me I want to do this even less than you do, but we don’t have a choice.”

“Drew, I don’t want you to die.” Her voice sounded so broken.

“I’ll be fine, baby. Nothing can keep me down. And I refuse to make you do anything that you don’t want to.”

“But if I don’t then you could die or turn into someone else. What do I have to do now?”

Jessie’s point of view

She sure has some guts! Doing something she doesn’t want to do, to save someone she cares about.

“You have to press your body against his.”

“What?! I cant do that! We’re both naked!”

“Trust me this is the tame version.”

“What’s the untamed one?” Illianna asked.

“she has sex with him.” I said bluntly.

“No way!” Illianna all but shouted. Cassie gasped.

“Look I don’t make the rules. If she was one of us she wouldn’t mind. But she’s human so she’s not as comfortable with this process. Cassie?”

“Y…Yeah?” god she sounded so worried and hesitant.

“Just lay next to him and wrap your arm around his waist. Make sure that your whole body is touching his.”

“Um, o…okay.”

“Cassie if you don’t want to do it, we could try and get him…”

“No,” she said at once, cutting me off. “I’ll try.”

I heard her moving closer to where Drew lay. God I hope this works. The moment I heard Drew groan I knew she was laying next to him.

“I’m sorry did I hurt you?”

“Nope.” He said in a strangled voice.

“I did didn’t I... I’m sorry…”

“No, you didn’t hurt me. You turned me on.”

“Oh sorry.” She sounded so embarrassed.

“No that’s good. That’s what we needed to happen.” I said, shocked at how fast it had happened.

“What?! Why?!” Illianna asked, scandalized.

 “Because it’s the kind of reaction that allows the body to release. The necessary reactions that will allow him to heal completely. And when that happens he will be able to finish on  his own. Have you never heard of humans having sex to help get over a cold? It’s basically the same thing. He wont heal completely in one go, but he will be able to move.”


“It’s just the way it is okay?” I snapped.

Drew’s point of view

Oh god I’m so turned on. I don’t think I’ll be able to stand this much longer.

Not being able to see her has made this so much worse. I really should have thought this through some more.

She wrapped her arm around my chest, crushing her naked breasts into my side.

Oh god, it feels amazing.

Why did I ever try to push her away? All that time wasted, and for what?

well how did you like it?

thanks for reading

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