part ten

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here is the next part

hope you like it

Jessie’s point of view

I ran full tilt, so fast that everything was a blur.

Fury welled up inside me, just waiting to explode. I have never felt this way in my entire life. How can she have ever conceived of doing this?

Did she feel the connection?

All he could do was hold out hope that she wont hurt Drew anymore. If she did then no force on earth would stop me from killing her.

After a few miles I caught the scent of Drew’s blood.

It was in that very moment that I knew I would have to kill Illianna. I didn’t want to but she had injured Drew, and that was something I just couldn’t forgive.

A few seconds later I saw them.

Illianna was kneeling over Drew, and he had a pained expression on his face.

I growled and charged at her, knocking her to the ground.

Looking into her eyes I shifted. I felt sick at the horrified realisation in her eyes as she watched me change, but she was going to kill Drew so I pushed the feeling down.

I tried my hardest to not feel how good it felt to have her beneath me, but it was hard. (Excuse the pun.)

My wolf howled at the feelings, both from the hunt and from pinning his mate to the ground. And I have to say that this is a lot better than rough housing with Drew. Then my wolf whined and begged me to see, what I didn’t know.

I was about to strike but realised that I needed to know why she was doing this.

“Why? What have we ever done to you?” I all but growled.

She flinched but said, “Your kind killed my family and were going to kill me too.”

Suddenly, I had a feeling I knew where this was going. “Then why aren’t you dead!” even I didn’t like the violence in my voice.


My head snapped in Drew’s direction.

“Jessie, it’s her!”

I looked back at Illianna, and then I saw it. I saw the little girl that had lost everything she had ever loved. I saw how she ran to us after we killed the rouges. And I saw how hard she had fought to stay with us.

Then the unspeakable happened.

She started to cry.

“Drew what do I do?” I had never stayed with a woman long enough to know what to do in a situation like this.

“Just hold her.”

“But I’m, uh, naked.”

“Jess, you’re already on top of her, she knows your naked.”

He had a point. I moved off of her and leaned up against the closest tree, then pulled her on to my lap and let her cry.

Drew had almost finished healing by the time she had her tears under control.

“Jess, I hear someone coming.”

“How close are they?”

“I’m not sure. I think…”

“Drew? Jessie? Illianna? What the hell is going on here? And why are you naked?”

We all just sat there in shock. Drew was about to say something to Cassie, but was silenced by her look. It was a look of both hurt and betrayal.

“I knew Drew was like this but I never thought hat you were Jessie.” Tears were falling down her face as she said this.

“Cassie, its not…”

“It’s not what, Drew? It’s not what it looks like? Well what is it then?” When we didn’t respond, the tears fell even harder. “I can’t believe that you would do this to me, Illianna. Even after everything that I told you. I thought you were my friend!” then she turned and ran. Quickly moving out of view.

Drew leaped up to chase after her, calling her name.

Illianna just cried even harder.

After a while the worst was over, and she turned to look at me.

“She hates me now. She thinks we’ve been doing things with each other. I would never do that, especially after she told me she was in love with Drew.”

A loud sob broke free from her chest.

Drew’s point of view

“CASSIE!” I yelled as I chased her. “CASSIE WAIT!”

“LEAVE ME ALONE!” she yelled, and I could tell that I was getting closer.



“NO!”I was so close, I could just make out her beautiful form just ahead.

Belatedly, I realised that she was headed straight for a cliff.

“CASSIE! STOP NOW!”I heard her skidding and then scream. “CASSIE!” I reached the edge and sa her falling.

I did the only thing that I could think of.

I jumped after her, making sure that I kept my arms and legs as tight to my body as I could so I would go faster. I thought that I wasn’t going to catch her in time. I knew I could survive a fall like this but there was no way that she could.

About sixteen feet from the ground I reached her.

Grabbing her I pulled her close and turned so I would take the brunt of the fall.

Then I hit the ground.

And felt every bone in my body was broken, before I blacked out.

did you like it? i hope so.

let me know what you think

He's her mate, so why did he break her heart?Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat