he's her mate, so why did he break her heart? part six

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i know i have taken a long time to upload but here it is.

i hope you enjoy it.

Cassie's point of view

"Well, I don't know why you wanted this but here it..." I paused as I walked into my room only to find it empty. Where the hell was Alex? He knew that I would be back!

It's times like this that I just hate him being my friend.


I continued to yell random things as I searched the house for him. As I got closer to the office I heard people laughing.

What the hell?!

I burst into the room to find Alex and a girl laughing their heads off.

"I told you. Didn't I tell you that she would start yelling?" Alex said amidst his laughter.

"Yes, you did." She at least had the grace to try and smother her laughter.

Try being the operative word.

Suddenly I had this odd feeling that I knew her from somewhere, but I knew that I didn't. I mean she was the type of person that you couldn't forget, you know?

"Um, I don't mean to be rude but who are you?"

"Cass, how easily you forget. I swear she is more forgetful than a goldfish at times." Alex said to this mystery girl. "Mary told us that your new neighbour was in here to work on her homework or something."

"Oh yeah! I'm Cassie, it's nice to meet you..." I waited for her name.

"Illiana. And thank you it's nice to meet you as well. I'm sorry but do I know you?"

The question shocked me, a lot. How did she know that I was asking myself that question?

"I don't think so, but something about you makes me think that I do." I looked at her for a seconded before I noticed the papers on the desk. I smiled, "Well do you want us to leave so you can finish whatever it was that you were doing or do you want a break?"

"I think I'll like a break please." She smiled, and man what a smile it was.

I'm not gay you all know that but that smile, god that smile, was like the best I've ever seen.

If I was gay I would so hit on her. But I'm not, so I guess that's a good thing.

We spent about an hour just talking with and getting to know each other. We found out that her parents were killed when she was little, and that she was the only one of her family who survived.

I could tell that she was keeping something from us but you can't rush these things. She has to be the one to open that up.

We also found out that she could cook, so naturally we just had to put her to work.

We did help at first but I think we just slowed her down.

Then somehow the conversation turned to me, and I ended up telling her all about Drew.  I just felt so comfortable around her.

"Wow, I don't know what to say. I mean I've never had a boyfriend. But that just sounds really weird. Why would he be so horrible to you, sleep with your mother and then think he can tell you how to act like he's your boyfriend? It just doesn't make any sense."

Wow it's like this girl is in my head!

"Why have you never had a boyfriend?" I asked her.

She looked rather embarrassed, but said "I guess I just never found anyone attractive before."

She was just like me, only she was much more attractive.

"Okay here we are then." Illianna said placing several plates on the table, then bringing the food over.

"What is it?" Alex asked.

"Mango chicken. Why don't you like it? I could make something else if you want."

"Don't sound so worried. Alex was just being rude I'm sure it's wonderful."

And guess what?

It was.

Illianna's point of view

The moment I saw her I knew she was a kindred spirit.

She seemed so familiar but I knew that I didn't know her.

The more I got to talk to her the more I like her, and the more I see myself in her.

Right now she was starting to eat the dinner I made.

And her face light up, "This is amazing!" she said. "I love it!"

And that was all she said until she finished then all she wanted was more.

I was amazed, I had never cooked for anyone but myself before. And I'm glad that now not only do I have people who are willing to let me cook for them but are willing to try what I cook.

Jessie's point of view

I was mad at Drew for upsetting Cassie, but I guess Drew is just panicking.

It's not easy to find your mate, but to find out that she is human? It's really hard, the transference from human to immortal is slow and dangerous.

In some cases the mates don't make the process because they are so in love they can't wait until it's finished before they try anything with each other. And when your mate dies you can't turn into your werewolf form. And you can't do anything, your will for life dies with them.

And Drew doesn't want Cassie to die.

The thing I don't understand is why he's pushing her away.

What he doesn't understand is that even though we can't function with out her, she can move on with her life if she chooses to.

And if she chooses to move on from us then she'll turn back into a mortal.

And our lives wont be worth living.

Now I have to try and figure out what that feeling was at school.

weel what do you think?

i hope you liked it. thanks for reading.

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