part eleven

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hello every one thank you all for waiting so long

i know it has been a long time and this chapter isnt very long but i have my reasons. as im sure you all know my dad had a heart opperation, but hes doing fine now.

so i hope your not dissapointed


Cassie’s point of view

I don’t know what happened.

One minute I was running away from the horrible scene of betrayal with Drew chasing me. The next I was falling.

I saw the ground rushing up towards me, and I knew I was going to die.

But somehow I’m still alive. How could I have survived a fall like that?

That’s when I saw him.

A few feet away Drew was lying broken and bleeding, just staring up at the sky. I rushed over to him.

“Drew?” I could see that he was still breathing, but could tell by the hard slash of his mouth that he was in pain. “Drew, what do I do? I don’t know what to do!” tears were falling down my face for a completely different reason then before.

“Just don’t leave.” He gasped out.

“Okay, I wont leave you. Just please don’t die, please!”

“I’ll try. Cant guarantee it though.”

He was trying to lighten the mood I could tell. But I didn’t have it in me to smile. At that moment I really didn’t care about Illiana, Jessie and him, all I cared about was helping Drew.

I love him too much to loose him. I wont loose him, I’ll die before I let that happen.

Illianna’s point of view

I can’t believe this!

What the hell have I done? I’m supposed to be her friend and I treat her this way!

I mean I never knew that they were the werewolves. But even if I did, I guess I still would have tried to kill them.

But I never would have willingly set out to hurt Cassie. I like her.

No it’s more then that. I think I might love her.

I mean I’m not gay but I feel so strongly towards her.

The tears fell so fast now I didn’t know if they would ever stop. Then Jessie’s arms came around me. And for the moment I forgot that he was naked.

Jessie’s point of view

I held Illianna as she cried. Until I felt a bone crushing pain all through out my body.


“I have to go. Drew needs me. And I think Cassie might need you.”

We quickly stood and started to run in the direction Cassie and Drew had gone.

The closer that I got to their location the more I could smell Cassie’s fear.

And then it hit me, like a slap in the face. Drew’s blood! A lot of Drew’s blood, mixed with some of Cassie’s.

I slowed down to a walk, Illianna followed suit.

“What is it?” she asked, with a note of fear and concern in her voice.

“There’s a cliff up ahead. One false move and we’ll end up just like Drew.”

“Why? What’s wrong with Drew?”

“He’s at the bottom of the cliff with Cassie.”

I already knew what it would look like, and knew that Illianna might not want to see it. So I was surprised when she slowly started to walk towards the edge.

Illianna’s point of view

As I got closer to the edge I could tell that I didn’t want to see what I knew was going to be at the bottom of the cliff. And for a few seconds I just stood at the edge not daring to look down. And when I did, I wished that I hadn’t.

I gasped in pure shock. It was worse then I thought that it would be. Drew was covered in blood, his right leg at an unnatural angle, and his skin as pale as a piece of paper. And Cassie was next to him, tears streaming down her cheeks as she stared into his eyes, whispering something to him.

I had never been the type of woman who shows emotion, but this was getting to be too much for me.

I felt the tears start to fall again, and willed them to stop.

They didn’t listen.

I felt Jessie come up behind me.

“Is he going to die?”

“No, I don’t think so. I’ve seen others of our kind heal from injuries far greater than those. However, he might not come back in one piece. Unless…”

“Unless what? And what do you mean by one piece?”

“His mental state might not be what it was due to the amount of blood he has lost and the knock he took from the fall. However we might be able to bring him all the way back if Cassie stays with him.”

“Do you think that she will?”

“I don’t know.”

After a few moments I started to see that Drew was in fact healing, albeit very slowly. I also realised that we needed to get him inside before his blood attracts unwanted attention.

“How do we get down?” I asked, feeling stupid.

Jessie just grabbed me around the waist and lifted me in to his arms.

“Just hold on.” He said as he jumped.

well what did you think

let me know

He's her mate, so why did he break her heart?Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz