He's her mate, so why did he break her heart? part four

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here is the next part as promised.

i hope you like it.


Cassie's point of view

The rest of the day was uneventful.

However as I walked through the halls I saw Jessie ahead of me.

He was walking quite fast then suddenly he stopped, and looked around with a confused look on his face. Drew ran up to him and it looked like something was wrong.

I had almost reached them when Alex grabbed my arm and said, "Did you forget that you are mad at him?"

"Oh yeah. But there looks like there is a problem. Maybe I should ask what's wrong. I mean it can't hurt, can it?"

"Well no, but did you forget that you found him coming out of your mothers room?"

"When did I tell you that?"

"My god your forgetful." He laughed. "You told me when we were on our way here. I have to say this, but you are kinda obsessed with him."

"I know. You know Jessie is nice looking as well."

"Come on lovestruck we have to get home," he laughed and dragged me towards the door.

All the way home I was concerned for both Drew and Jessie. Why were they confused? And why did I get a strange feeling just before Jessie stopped?

I had felt like that only once before. And that was when I first noticed Drew and Jessie. It felt like my soul had found its soul mate, only I had two. The feeling towards Drew was stronger than it was with Jessie, but I still felt close to him.

But when they looked at me, it was as if Jessie knew what I was feeling and liked it.

Drew however was another story. He looked at me with hope and something else, until he looked closer for a few moments and then it changed. He looked at me like I was nothing worth his time. I wanted to know why his look changed. Why would looking at me disgust him?

That had bothered me for so long, that I had wanted to try and lose the feelings that I had for him.

But then I noticed that he would look at me at times.

After about a week Jessie came over to me.

He told me that he knew what Drew did and he knew that he didn't really feel that way.

I then spent a few days getting to know Jessie, and I noticed that Drew didn't really like it all that much. After a full hour of Drew glaring at us, I told Jessie that he really didn't like me, or me talking with him for that matter, so we should keep our friendship casual. He agreed and ever since then all we do is occasionally say 'hi' to each other in the hall.

I had expected him to come and talk to me after Drew practically ripped my heart out, but he didn't. I did notice that he would glare at Drew a lot but I thought that had less to do with me and more to do with the fact that he always looked like he was trying to prove something.

I hated the fact that I couldn't even be friends with Jessie, but I had a life to get on with.

So I was really surprised when he came up to me.

When Alex arrived at my home , I had that same feeling. A feeling that I know who is there but I don't know them. Or something like that.

I get out of the car to see that I have a new neighbour.

Sid and Mary were already there talking with two other people, who I assume are the new neighbours.

"Sid, I'll be inside with Alex." I called out to him.

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