part nine

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here it is the next chapter that i worked on during a deadish day at work.

hope you like it.

God, what a day.

Between getting slapped and finding out I have three mates, I also had to worry about what Cassie was wearing. Don’t get me wrong she looked sexy as hell in it, it’s just that I wasn’t the only male in school who thought so. And I was getting fed up with all of them staring at her like she was a piece of meat.

Jessie wasn’t any help either, when he wasn’t laughing at me for getting slapped by the new girl he was staring at her. I think he was trying to figure her out, but I could be wrong.

I’m just glad that the day is over.

Hmm, I think I might just have to go for a run to relieve some of this stress. Might swing by Cassie’s. just so I can make sure she’s alright. Then I might find out some stuff on this new girl. I think her name is Illianna, if it is I have to say I like the name.

“Hey, Jess, I’m gonna go for a run tonight. You in?” I called.

“No,” he replied coming in from the kitchen. “I have some calls to make. Have fun though. Oh and eat something before you go, okay.”

“Yes, mum,” I chuckled, walking into the kitchen.

Jessie’s point of view

I sat down at my desk, booted up the computer and just stared at it.

I knew I should have gone running with Drew, but I knew hat if I did I would end up hunting her down. And if I did that I didn’t know if I would kill her or mate her.

Yes, I knew about there was a possibility that we would get a third mate, but I just didn’t know how to tell Drew. And if I did I know that he would have gone looking for her, leaving Cassie here all alone, just in the hopes that she would be a werewolf like us.

But she’s not, she’s human. And not just any human she’s a hunter. She tracks down and kills my kind, and she’s very good at it.

I knew the moment I got a good look at her she was our mate, but when she got close enough for me to smell her properly, I knew she killed werewolves. I could smell the deaths of quite a few werewolves on her.

Illianna, my new mate, hunts and kills werewolves. And it almost broke my heart to find that out.

Maybe if I could figure out why she started it, I could figure out how to get her to stop. Before she gets herself, and us, killed. And she would get us killed. Both Drew and I would have to protect her, and when they realised the bond between us and Cassie they would kill her too.

There was only one way to handle this, I have to stop Illianna.

Suddenly, my phone rang. Scaring the shit out of me if I’m honest. But when I saw the number I smiled.

“What did you do this time?” I asked Drew.

JESSIE!” he whispered in a tone that sent a chill down my spine.

“I’m on my way!” I disconnected. And not caring about my clothes I shifted and ran.

I knew instinctively where Drew would be, not only because he’s my mate but because he always goes there when he goes for a run.

‘What happened?’ I asked telepathically.

‘I don’t know. One minute I was watching Cassie reading the next the new girl…’

‘Illianna.’ I interrupted him.

‘Yeah her. She attacked me. She’s crazy fast Jess. I don’t know if I can out run her with this wound.”

That’s when I felt it, a sharp pain in my hip.

Shit, she stabbed him!

‘Keep running Drew I’m on my way!’

I ran flat out to get to them. When I felt like I was getting close I called out to him again. ‘Drew I’m almost there.’

No response. Fuck he must have shifted.

He’s as good as dead. And if she kills him, so is she.

Mate or no mate, I’ll kill her.

Illianna’s point of view

I’m on the hunt.

I love hunting these monsters. I saw this one lurking outside Cassie’s in one of her rose bushes. It looked beautiful but I knew the truth.

It was a killer, that’s all it knew. And it was targeting Cassie and her family. I quickly grabbed my gear and ran for the back door.

Startled, it looked up at me. The look in it’s eyes was one of confusion.

Then comprehension dawned, and it stood up.

I thought it would run, but it started towards me. I fought down a wave of panic and threw a silver blade at it, but at the last second it turned and the blade missed the kill shot, and landed solidly in its hip.

It yelped and took off into the shadows.

It took me a little while to track it, and for a moment I thought that I had lost it, but then I saw something glittering in the moon light.

It was the silver knife in a pool of blood. For a second I felt a twinge of guilt, but I fought it down. What did I have to be guilty about? Nothing, I was doing the world a favour.

It was easy to follow after that, all I had to do was follow the blood.

I was closing in fast.

In the distance I heard the howl of a wolf. Never in all my life had I heard such a sound. It was so full of pain, sorrow and fury that it sent a shiver down my spine.

And although it scared me all I seemed to want to do was comfort it.


What the hell is wrong with me?

Again I pushed down the feeling and continued my hunt.

I heard a soft moan of pain close by, and knew that this was it.

And I was in luck, the moan was human.

It had turned into it’s human form.

I pulled out another knife and held it firmly.

Then I saw it, or should I say him.

He was very muscular, about my age and boy did he have a nice butt.

I couldn’t see his face but that didn’t matter, I was going to kill him anyway I didn’t need to see his face.

“You’ll not destroy any more families you bastard!” I said and was about to plunge the knife into him when he looked at me.

Oh my god!


thanks for reading.

let me know what you think

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