He's her mate, so why did he break her heart? part five

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it's not long but at the moment it's all i have.

hope you like it.

I didn't have a car because my foster parents were eco friendly.

Which basically meant that what ever a normal teenager has I don't.

No phone.

No car.

Not even a computer, I had to go to the library if I needed to use one. And the connection is terrible. And they have a printer it just never works, so I have to hand write ever thing until I can get to a functional printer.

So by the time I had got back to my foster home my legs were burning and I was out of breath.

It was way too long to walk.

Maybe I can find a bus root that will get me home without making my legs die.

I noticed that my foster parents were talking with the next door neighbours.

"Anna, get over here and meet the neighbours!" yelled Fred, my faster dad.

As I got closer I felt that odd feeling again.

It was weaker than before but I could still feel it.

"Hello," I said to them, then turned to Fred. "And my name is Illianna not Anna."

"Well I'm Sid and this is my better half Mary. But don't worry if you see another woman around here, that's just my wife, Cassie's mother."

What the hell?

He's openly cheating on his wife. The mother of his child.

"Cassie isn't my daughter by the way. I only stay married to my wife for Cassie. She's a hell of a girl. You know I think that you would like her, Illianna. She's inside if you want to go and talk to her."

"Maybe later I have to get to the library to get a head start on catching up with the work I missed at school."

"Don't you have a computer?" Mary asked.

"We don't believe it's good for the environment." Bitsy said smugly.

"Well if you want you can use the one in the study if you want?" Sid told me.

Wow! He is a really nice guy, so far.

I wonder what his wife is like.

"I don't want to be a bother."

"Oh it's no bother. Come on I'll show you where it is." Mary then took my hand and led me in to the house.

As I got closer to their house I could feel that odd feeling getting stronger.

I was slightly freaked out but it felt so good I tried to just ignore it.

The inside of their house was amazing.

Clean floors. Well organised and beautifully decorated.

Mary led me into a huge room with a desk the size of a bed, a huge collection of books were on one wall and on another was CD's and a really BIG stereo system.

"So here we are. The computer is there on the desk. And you can listen to any of the CD's here. We mostly get them for Cassie, but we like most of them as well. Well let me know if you want to stay for dinner, and I'll leave you to it."

As soon as the door was closed I ran over to the CD's. There were so many.

Some classical, some pop, some heavy metal and even one by the venga boys.

Wow! Who the hell would have all these different genres.

When my eyes landed on one CD I knew I had to put it on.

I looked at the back and found the song that I like, then went over to the stereo and spent five minutes trying to open the damn thing. But I finally got it open and then I was listening to it.

'My Panties' by the Magicwandos started playing.

I loved this song. Even though it didn't make any sense I still liked it.

I put it on repeat and then went over to the desk and started on my catch up work.

After about ten minutes I turned it off of repeat and listened to the whole CD.

Some of the songs were crap but that wasn't the point.

An hour later and I had almost finished one of the assignments when the door opened.

'Succubus Baby' had just started to play.

"Oh my god I love this CD!" a cute guy said as he walked in. "I'm Alex, Cassie's friend. You're her new neighbour right?"

"Yeah. Illianna, it's nice to meet you."

"It's nice to be met. Cassie will be here in a minute. She wants to know who has been listening to her 'Vampires Suck' soundtrack."

"Oh, sorry I'll turn it off."

I started to get up when he said, "Don't you dare. We love this CD. But it sucks listening to it through a wall, so we came in here. You don't mind do you?"

"No, not at all."

"Good. Just one thing I haven't actually told Cassie that we've moved in here. So if she starts screaming just laugh," he grinned.


"Now all we do is wait." He said this while grinning evilly and rubbing his hands together, which I had to admit, did make me laugh.

well what did you think?

thanks for reading.

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