Chapter 50 : Date

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The door was unlocking and my heartbeat quickened. The door swung open to reveal Luke standing there. He folded his arms and leaned against the threshold.

A smirk appeared on his lips and he raised an eyebrow.

"Well, Calum, you sure are trying," He said trying to laugh. "Although I gotta say, the roses were a nice touch. She loves them."

"Sure hope that wasn't sarcasm," I said.

"Oh it isn't. I'm being honest here, mate. Don't take it too seriously. Messing with the sister's date is part of rule book. Plus it's my first time doing this so I'm having a blast," He said.

"You know if you are going to be like that I should start calling you Dad," Helen said.

Luke snorted and turned to look at her, I couldn't see her yet. I'm dying to get a look at her.

He turned back to look at me.

"Take good care of her and don't let anything happen to her," Luke said.

"Absolutely," I replied.

He nodded.

Helen bounded down the stairs and she took my breath away.

She wore a black dress that was short in the front then flowed down in the back. Her hair was wavy and looked somewhat curly. She looked so perfect. Gorgeous.

She had a sparkle in her beautiful blue eyes. Her lips were slightly ajar as she stared at me. I smiled at her and she smiled back. Flashing me with brilliant white teeth.

"Luke I can take it from here," She said.

Luke gave me one last look and disappeared into the kitchen.

Helen smiled at me.

"These are for you," I said and handed her the bouquet.

"Calum they are amazing! Thank you," She took them. "Hold on, I'm going to put these in water." She went into the kitchen.

After a while she came back.

"Ready to go?" I asked.

"yea," She replied and smiled.

"Have fun," Luke called out.

He closed the door and Helen turned to me, she hooked her arm through mine. I laughed and started walking her towards my car.

"By the way you look gorgeous!" I said.

She blushed, "Thank you, Calum. You look pretty handsome yourself."

"Why thank you."

I opened the car door for her, she thanked me and got in. I closed the door and went over the side of the car. I jumped in and put the keys in the ignition. I started the car an drove off.

"So where are we going?" She asked.

"You'll see. Be patient, sweetheart," I said.

She snorted.

After a while we arrived at Panda Express. I looked over at her, waiting for her reaction.

"Are you serious?" She asked.

I frowned "Yea, you're right, let's go somewhere else."

"No, Calum! I don't like fancy dinners, this is perfect!" She beamed.

I smiled, "Let's got then," I said and got out. I opened the the car door for her.

She got out and we walked through the door.

Falling For Hood | C.H.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora