Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

'What are you doing here?' I asked in disbelief. I stared at Eden, who was sat directly opposite on the couch. Although I live here, it feels like I'm the strange, the intruder. Beth and Kade are sat on either side of Eden, watching me. I would prefer it if we were alone, but I can't be rude and ask them to leave. Especially when there only making sure everything gets sorted.

Eden stay quiet, not because she was refusing to speak, almost as if she was trying to think of an answer. She turned to face Beth and spoke quietly, she probably knew that she was going to turn up and know the whole situation. Eden began whispering to Beth so I turned to Kade. He gave me a puzzled look, which I returned with a shrug.

'Kade,' Beth spoke up. 'I need some help... ordering some pizza.' She struggled to come up with an excuse. He got up and walked off with Beth – who waddled along.

We stayed silent for several minutes. I was unsure about what to say, the tension in the air was clear and thick. It feels like she's dating Kade again and we can't hang around with each other any more. I dropped my gaze to the floor and focused on the front cover of mums vogue magazine.

'I'm sorry.' Eden spoke up, it surprised me that she'd spoken. I assumed she was waiting for me to speak first. He looked up to see her staring at the floor.

'Why are you here? To apologise? I'm sure a phone call would have been okay.' I said, with a little too much venom than I intended. I've spent way too much time with Aubrey over the past few weeks. Its on odd thought that I spent four weeks in England, away from my family.

Eden head flicked up and to look at me. She looked hurt by what I'd said, but it was quickly replaced by anger. Her eyes narrowed into slits and her mouth formed a straight line. She sent daggers my way, which I just shrugged off.

I know its harsh of me, but I was still hurting from what she said to me. When someone you love tells you to leave and that you ruin there life it hurts. A whole fucking lot. It feels like someone has taken a knife and plunged into my chest. Twisting it in deeper and deeper. Making you hurt even more. Its grim, I know, but its the closest way to describe the way I feel.

Even looking at her hurts, it makes me feel like I'm going to fall to pieces. Shatter under her gaze. I want to curl up and lay my head on my mothers lap, like I used to when I was a small child. I want to be a small child with a world full of carefree fun.

'Yeah, I came to apologise, so what. Sorry for thinking it would be better to apologise in person instead of a simple text message or an e-mail. I thought you would appreciate it more if I came in person and apologised. But it seems I was wrong.' She hissed and stood up. She walked to the door.

I have to stop her. I can't let her leave. I already lost her once, I can't do it again. I can't feel the pain I did that day she left. I stood up and followed her.

'Don't walk away from me!' I yelled at her. She turned around to face me and crossed her arms over her chest. Her face was full of anger. We were fighting like a married couple, I had to hold back the smile from spreading across my face from that thought. I'm getting a head of myself, we're barely on speaking terms at the moment.

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