Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

I threw my swimming bag onto my bed, it missed my laptop by an inch. If it had hit, the weight of my bag would have cracked the screen for sure. I'm sure mum doesn't want to have to replace any more of my stuff. Spending so much time in the gym and in the swimming baths has increased my muscle density. Basically meaning I can punch harder. Mums had the decorators re-plaster my room twice in the past month. When Eden first told me about Ralf, I got a little pissed off. Especially seen as it was only over a month after she left. When I ended the video chat I let my anger out on everything. Mum had to buy a new laptop, phone, walls and most of the furniture in my room. Mum and Dad weren't happy, I was grounded for a month. I had to work to pay it back.

I threw myself on the desk chair, my desk in now positioned at the end of my bed. I leaned over the end of my bed and grabbed my laptop. I logged on, the main screen appeared as the clock turned to three o'clock. Like clockwork a message box appeared on my screen. It's Friday night so we talk an hour earlier. Eden's parents go out on weekends. So we can talk earlier and for longer.

Video chat request from Eden Carson

I click accept and the video box appeared. Her bright, beautiful face filling my screen, I could stare at her all day. But that would be creepy and pervy. Eden's wearing her biggest brightest smile but something isn't right. It's like she's wearing a mask, she's not happy like she usually is.

'Happy Friday!' She yells but her voice doesn't sound happy. Her face says she's happy and I'm a little confused. I look around, what I can see, behind her is her bed. A simple single bed, her dark purple bed spread on it. The pillows are laid flat, with her Teddy bear sat on top of the pillow. Next to her teddy her pale blue pyjama's are neatly folded up. On the end of her head board there's a grey hoodie hung up. I can't see much else than her bed and chest of draws.

'happy Friday! Are your mum and Austin out?' I asked.

'Yeah, they left about five minutes ago. Mum is really pissing me off.' She complained

'Why what’s happened?'

'She saw my phone bill.' She sighed.

'I thought my dad paid your phone-'

'He does but your dad sends me the bill comes to my house and I have to post it to your house. Mum opened my post and saw all the phone calls to you. She went ballistic and took my phone. So I can't text you.' She explained. It doesn't surprise me her mum opened her post, Daphne doesn't give Eden any privacy. I don't know how she copes.

'Okay Pr-Eden. How are you and Ralf?' I only ask to be polite. I honestly don't care if there together or broken up. Actually I do care if they're together because I want her back. She was my girl and will be mine again. No matter what.

'Ralf? Oh, yeah everything’s going great went on a date...' I tuned out of the conversation. So she's still with that jerk and not with me. All I can imagine is Eden with Ralf. Eden told me all about him. He's tall with thick black hair that is styled by professionals. His skin is fair which complements his dark hair. He has a nice slim body that is muscled. He's great at everything. He looks after her, loves her. That's what I heard anyway, she tells me everything about him.

'Are you okay?' Eden's voice broke my train of thought. I shook the image of Eden and Ralf hugging and kissing out of my head.

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