Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

'Come on we better go home. I think you and Eden should talk a little, ask her a few questions about Aubrey. Make yourself sound interested in my girl. I mean, your girl.' Ralf suggested. He slid out the booth and threw a £50 note on the table. I stood up and almost had a heart attack.

'Oh, oh, oh. Jesse Oliver Bolton you have some serious explaining to do,' A voice said. I looked around the room to see who was talking to me. 'You are so stupid.' That wasn't the voice of any one. That was the voice of Eden's very pregnant, annoying and ginger best friend. Someone who is becoming a figure of my nightmares. Beth. A stupid and irrational thought crossed my mind, had she really flown hear to 'kick my sorry ass.' She can't have done. The plane ride is fourteen hours long. Plus she's over the 28 weeks limit – and even if she was she wouldn't fit in the chair. She looks like she swallowed a globe. Actually maybe she swallowed the moon or mercury – maybe both. I don't know how Kade fits in the bed with her when she’s on her side. If he's by the wall he'd be squashed and if Beth is next to the wall he'd fall out. I looked around the room to see if she was there. But she wasn't.

'Where are you?' I asked to her. Looking around the room as I did.

'You dumb ass. I'm on your phone. You never hung up properly. Honestly.' Beth whines about how stupid I am. I shove my hand in my back pocket and pull the slim object out of my pocket. I turned loud speaker off, I don't know how it even got onto loud speaker. I put the phone to my ear and sighed, how can I be so stupid.

'Yeah...' I moaned, I feel like my mum found out I had sex because I left a condom on the bedroom floor. To be honest mum was the one who encouraged me to have sex with Eden. I guess she wanted me to spend one night with Eden. To show her how much I love her. That's what I like to think anyway. She was probably sick of my brothers taking the mick because I was a virgin, and they weren't.

I keep getting away from the point.

'Jesse Oliver Bolton you are the world's BIGGEST dumbass. Next time your on the phone make sure you hang up properly,' She scolded me. 'I should hang up this very moment and call Eddie to tell her about your plan.' Beth said in a stern voice. Like a mother tells her child when they've been naughty.

'Beth!' I growled at her.

'I said I should, but I won't.' Her voice a little more gentler and calmer.

'Why not?'

'Eddie is my best friend. When she lived over here and we'd hang out she would always be smiling and having fun. But when she was with you, when she was around you. It was like a she was a whole new person. She was so radiant – like the sun – and as happy as Larry. Who ever he is,' Beth sounded so happy talking about Eden and she sounded like she's talking about her own child. I can't help relating what Beth does to being a mum. Weird really. I really need to stop doing that. 'So I'm going to help however I can.' I can almost see her sympathetic look and her brain ticking. The idea's forming in her crazy mind.

'Thank you. Beth?'


'Your going to be a good mum.' I complemented her and let a genuine smile sit on my face. That's when I heard her sniffle and I know straight away that she's crying.

'Than...k... you. I guess your not so much off a dumb ass... after... all.' She managed through sobs. The line clicked dead and I turned back to Ralf who was stood in the doorway of the diner, whilst I stood in the middle. In every ones way.

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