Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

My eyes fluttered open and my rain was flooded by the pitter patter of rain drops against the window. My head rolled to one side to look over at Eden's bed. As I expected to see her in her bed, she was in bed. Only she was sat on her bed, facing me, with a book in her hand. Her eyes flickered up to meet my gaze, she only held it a few seconds before going back to her book. A stray strand of hair fell in front of her face, I stood up and tucked it behind her ear. I know if she looks up my eyes will fall to her lips and I'll struggle to restrain myself from kissing her, so, instead I stood up and grabbed my duffel bag. I took a long hot shower, washing away the dirt away from the muddy trek from the camp site to the car. I threw my trainers in the sink full of hot water, with in second it had turned a murky brown colour.

Eden hadn't moved when I came back into the bedroom. She was still sat cross legged on the edge of her bed, her book resting in her lap. Actually she has moved because, one, my bed is made and looks like I never slept in and, two, because she's no longer in her pyjama’s. Instead of wearing her white all-in-one-suit with purple sheep on she's dressed in old jogging bottoms and a vest top.

'What book you reading?' I asked as I put my clothes back into my bag. I saw her head flick up from the corner of my eye.

'Oh, its My sisters keeper. I've almost finished it, have you seen the movie?' She asked, a little – an almost proud - smile on her face. I've heard of the movie and I know the general story plot line, a young girl fights for the rights to her own body because her parents force her to be a donor for her sister, Kate, who has leukaemia. It's not my type of movie. If I'm honest I cry at the kind of stuff, I can't help imagine if that was me and one of my brothers. It would kill me and it would kill mum even more.

'No, not my kind of film, or book.' I replied, a lump formed in my throat. Making it hard to speak or swallow. I pushed the thought to the back of my head and finished forcing clothes into my full bag. I felt a small, thin hand on my shoulder. I turned around to see Eden's big hazel eyes studying my face.

'Are you okay?' Her voice full of concern. It almost sounded as if she was hurt, which hurt me.

'Yeah... yeah. What's the plan for today?' I asked, trying to change the topic of the conversation.

'Matt called about ten minutes. The rain's flooded the roads and the waters so high it's flooded the engine. So we're stuck here.' She told as she walked back to the bed and resumed her cross-legged positions. 'You hungry? We can go down to the café, see if they serve descent food.' She suggested, I could hear her stomach rumbling from the other side of the room. I chuckled and nodded.

The food on the menu was full of grease and fat. If I eat this food for a week there's a high possibility that I will have heart disease and clogged arteries. Even the picture of the salad looks greasy and full of fat, and its mainly leaves and some oily dressing.

'This place is going to kill us with this food. I'd rather starve.' Eden exclaimed as she scanned the menu. A look of disgust and horror on her face. I small musical chuckle escaped.

'We still have food from the camping left, and there's the tiniest kitchen in that hotel room,' Eden's face lit up. 'Beans on toast?' I asked, she grabbed my hand and pulled me to the old, smelly elevator – it smells like a hobo lives in here! The old rust bucket began moving up slowly and suddenly it stopped. The doors didn't open because we're half way between four two and three. Great.

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