Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

The sun still hadn't fully risen when I went to the end of the pier. I could only see the tip of the sun in the horizon, even thought the sun was so low it was incredibly hot. Hotter than summer in Florida, if I was at home in this heat I might consider a day trip to the beach with Ruben and Bobby. Bobby is so quiet and shy, but put him on a surf board and he's just like Joey. Cocky and confident. Ruben likes to go to the beach for the babes, I prefer to spend my time in the water, looking at the wildlife.

A few years ago we went to Australia with dad for a press conference. Not all of us went, some of us went to Milan with mum for a fashion parade. Whilst dad spent days at a conference, myself, Christian, Bobby and Guy spent days at the beach. Arriving first thing in the morning and not leaving until the last thing at night. Bobby and Christian learnt how to surf and Guy met his sweetheart and current fiancé; Tessa. Whilst I spent days exploring the world below the ocean. The great barrier reef is amazing. There's so many different colours, I wish I could be a fish. Travel the world and be free, no limits as what I could do. I'd swim to Australia again, I'd swim up rivers to get to Austria. The possibilities are endless.

I hadn't noticed someone sat on the edge of the pier, there black silhouette only exposed by the hints of sun throw the trees. The closer I got the less defined there silhouette became. I could see there red pyjama's and there brunette hair.

'What are you doing up so early?' I didn't even know she knew I was there. She turned around to face me, her eyes sparkling. Our gaze met as we stared at each other. I ran my fingers through my hair, flexing my muscles as I did.

'Early morning swim, I've eaten too much junk food whilst I've been over here. I need to stay in shape.' I told her. It was the truth, I had eaten to much junk food because I keep going to the diner in town and ordering there greasiest food on the menu and we don't really eat full meals out here. We cook something over the fire at night but other wise we snack on crisps and sweet. Originally I'd come out here to blow off some steam. Sit down quietly on my own, giving myself some time to think. I would have probably thrown myself in the water or have gone for a jog to burn off the calories and waste some energy.

'Oh,' was all she said, almost as if she was disappointed by my reply. 'Like you need to burn off all the junk food you've been eating. You could eat anything and it wouldn't affect your swimming you spend pretty much all your time either walking, swimming or doing some sort of exercise.' She said facing the sun again. Even though I couldn't see her I knew she was smiling.

I took the seat next to her and she rested her head on my shoulder. We sat in silence watching the sun rise over the tree tops. The sun fully appeared and the heat was over bearing, it might only be six in the morning but the sun was over powering. Eden's head moved from my shoulder as she stood up.

'You coming?' She asked.

'Coming? Where?' I asked. She didn't answer, instead she grabbed my hand and pulled me to my feet. Together we jumped of the pier, it wasn't hight up. If you sat on the end you could dangle your feet in the water, and the water below was about a metre in depth. The cold water made my skin prickle it was so refreshing against my hot skin. We resurfaced, both of us half giggling and half gasping for air. Eden clung to me to help her stay up, her arm wrapped around my neck and her body at the side of mine. I could feel her legs kicking as she tried to tread the water.

It was like being at the training pool in Florida, the first time we went when I pulled her in. She was so shocked that I'd pulled her in.

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