Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

'Wake up sleepy head, time to get up.' A smooth and gentle voice began to talk in my ear. It was so soothing and melodic. Like a lullaby in my ear. My eyes opened slowly, expecting to see Eden's happy, smiley face hanging over me. I fell asleep in her room last night on her chair. Through my lashes I could see a face that was blurry. I let out a, manly, yell when I saw the face of Aubrey hanging above me. An evil smile on her face and flickers of red in her eyes. I swear this girl is the face of evil, a snake in disguise. I can hear giggling at the other side of the room. I turn my head to see who it is. Eden is bent in half, giggling and cackling like a mad woman. I turn my attention back to Aubrey. I push her away by putting my head on the top of her head and pushing it.

I leaned up on my elbows, how did I get on the bed?

'What time is it?' I asked. I tried looking at the clock but the numbers were blurry, my eyes hadn't adjusted to being awake. I let out a big yawn.

'Nearly eleven, we're going out. So get your lazy ass out of bed.' Aubrey told me sternly. She pointed her finger at me. I couldn't be less arced about going out, I don't want to be near this woman. I turned over, pulling the pillow over my head and the covers higher up. I could hear muffled talking but I wasn't interested in what they were saying.

The next thing I know, the covers are thrown across the room and the pillow is ripped from underneath my head. My butt hit the floor with a thump, quickly followed by my head.

'What the hell you crazy bitch?' I thought it was Aubrey but Eden was bent over laughing at me. Aubrey was sat at the other side of the room, staring at her nails. Her eyes flickered up to mine and then back at her nails.

'We're going out the six of us. So get out of bed!' Eden whined at me, flashing me a smile. 'Come on it'll be worth the while. I promise. You have ten minutes to get ready, meet us in the car.' She skipped out of my temporary room. I looked to Aubrey.

'Six of us?' I asked her, she gave me a 'duh!' look. Like the answer was obvious.

'Me, You, Eden, Ralf and the tweedledee twins.' Her voice monotone and her eyes still focused onto her nails. She shrivelled her face up in disgust. 'Don't just sit there dumb ass, get dressed. Maybe a shower too.'

'I would but your still in my room.' I hissed.

'Ohh, is someone self conscious.' She said in a mocking tone. She really knows how to get under my skin and piss me off.

'I'm not self conscious.' I hissed back, my blood boiling.

'Prove it. Get changed in front of me then.' She smiled at me with an evil grin. This girl has serious issues. There is no way I'm getting changed in front of her. Ralf would kill me if he walked in and saw that. I stood up and put a confident smile on my face. I started walking over to her, threw her over my shoulder and dumped her on the floor in the corridor. I locked my door and got ready. I pulled on a pair of dark wash jeans and a black polo shirt. I slipped my feet in my sneakers and went down to the car. Eden and Aubrey were sat in the front of the car laughing, I slid in the back. Next to Ralf.

The girls were sat laughing and giggling.

'He's so self concouse, it's quiet cute.' Aubrey said teasing me. Her voice at normal level.

'You should have seen him last night. Walking around in his boxers and shirtless. Showing off his abs. And his eight pack.' She giggled. They both turned to face me and eyed me, looking me up and down.

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