Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Life is just getting more and more complicated. I can't shake what Eden said in the diner yesterday. She had a sister. What happened to her sister, or half-sister? And why did she start crying when she mentioned her sister. And then there's the issue of Daphne. Her own mum hits her. I can hear the exact words going through my head. 'Yeah she has... you know. But its fine after a couple times your used to it.' And she just shrugged the comment off like it was nothing. It's a big deal and she's acting like nothing. People get locked up for hitting kids and she acts like its normal for people to hit there kids. The idea deludes me. I mean yes, these people get locked up for beating the shit out of them but still its not acceptable.

I roll over, so I'm laid on my stomach and look at my phone. It's six in the morning and those thoughts are keeping me awake. I didn't slept much. Through the night I kept nodding off but only for a five minutes, at the most. I need to call Kade, ask for advice. I think about it for a few minute because its one in the morning over home. What the hell. I dialled his number and after the forth tone he picked.

'What the hell do you want? Its one in the morning.' His voice was hoarse.

'Sorry bro. I need you help.' I said quietly, I don't want Eden to hear me, she'd kill me – I think – if she found out that I was telling other people.

'What's up?' His voice more clear and less sleepy. I propped myself on my elbows. Not only is Kade my brother, but he's my best friend. We don't always get along or see eye to eye but nether the less. When I say I need help he's the first to come to my rescue. He'll drop everything to help me out.

'Its... its... Eden.' I said slowly, I'm scared that if I say it that it will be like admitting its true. I really don't to say it. I'm glad when Kade interprets before I have to say anything else to him.

'It isn't?' He asked, not even saying the words. I think that he's just as scared about it as me. He and Eden may have some bad feelings from the past but not bad blood. If Kade could help Eden he would. I nodded in response to his question, even though he can't see me through the phone.

'Yeah.' I said quietly. Extending the word and leading off into a sigh. I heard him sign and in the background I could hear Beth mumbling. 'Don't tell her.' I said quickly.

'Don't worry its only going to cause her more stress. She's pretty stressed for some reason. And I don't want my kid stuck in a hospital for the first few weeks of its life, because it was born early. Give me a minute I need to get something to get rid of the headache that's forming.' The phone went silent but not dead. I could hear him mumbling and cursing. 'Back bro. So how did you find out?' He asked.

'I asked her when she'd finished hunting for Beth.'

'You just asked her?'


'Straight out?' What point is he trying to make. Why can't he get it through his head. I was curios. I was worried. I asked straight out, what's the point in making it long winded.

'Yes. Why?' I hissed, getting frustrated at him. I her him whistle.

'Nothing, I just can't believe you asked. If it was me me and Beth I'd be to scared to ask and probably never get to the point.' He began to ramble on and on. Does he not get that I was more than scared, I was terrified of the answer. I let out a sigh to let him no to shut up. 'Sorry.' He apologised.

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