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It was winter, the time Vikings called 'Snoggletog', but to the dragons, mating season.

I had been shedding my scales for a while, something that only happens when a DiamondWing finds his or her soul mate. I had also been digging a cave in the side of a large cliff on Berk. I placed my scales on the walls and blasted them, creating a beautiful cave wall.

I heard flapping and saw Toothless flying in bringing some fish.
"I need some of your scales Toothless." I said as I looked at the walls for any cracks. I heard some shuffling and some black scales were pushed in front of me.
"You wanted some?" Toothless asked giving me a gummy smile. I licked him and began to put his scales in the wall.

I sat and watched the three glowing eggs and one darker one. I sighed and snuggled Toothless closer to me. He was smaller than me so he just curled into the nest, me surrounding him. I saw one of the glowing eggs rock. "Toothless! They're hatching!" I squealed. Toothless leapt up.
"I'm going to get Hiccup!" He exclaimed before diving out of the cave.

The glowing eggs rocked gently at first, but then they rocked harder. The darker egg just stayed still.
Toothless zoomed into the cave, Hiccup in his claws. He quickly rolled out of the way before he was crushed by Toothless landing.

I gently nudged the darker egg, I could feel and hear the tiny heartbeat. It's egg was smaller than the others.

I heard a crack and looked over at the other eggs. One of them had a large crack in it, and the others started cracking aswell, but the darker egg was still, well... Still.

Soon three small DiamondWings crawled out of the egg shells and I nuzzled them, they were all male. Toothless stood at the last egg and hummed, motivating the little dragon to try to break out. The little egg started rocking.

I regurgitated some fish for the little boys. I then watched Toothless hum to the little egg. It started rocking faster. Toothless closed his eyes and his humming was a little louder. A crack appeared and I silently squeaked in joy.

Soon a little black dragon crawled out of the egg shell, falling over its limbs. The small dragon made its way to the nest.

It flopped in and I nuzzled it, finding it to be a female. She flopped over to the boys and I regurgitated some more fish for her.

And there we were, a small family, four DiamondWings and two Night Furies.

And if I was told to sum up my life now in one word, it would be 'Happy'.

Through A Dragon's Eye (Completed) (Toothlessxreader)Where stories live. Discover now