Chapter 4

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I woke up in a human nest. I had a bandage wrapped around my belly and on on my back right paw. I gave a whine of unhappiness.

"Hi, my name is Toothless!" The Night Fury said happily, bounding over.
"What kind of a name is that? That is an insult to dragons!" I said, insulted that a human could name a dragon with such a horrible name.
"It's the name Hiccup gave me eight years ago." Toothless replied, slightly unhappy at my miserableness.
"My name is (Y/N)." I said simply, staring at the wall.

"What kind of dragon are you, I've never seen one like you before." Toothless asked, getting on my nerves slightly.
"I am a DiamondWing, and probably the last of my kind." I said, my eyes getting watery.
"A DiamondWing? The last one died 20 years ago though." Toothless said, suddenly unsure.
"Says the last Night Fury." I laughed at him.

He made a pouty face, then recovered and gave me a toothless smile. "Come and meet the gang." He said, beckoning me with his tail.

I followed him through the nest to the outside, where a couple of humans were with dragons, not caged or anything.

"Wow." I muttered. Toothless gave me another smile and bounded ahead, where I then saw his tail. Half of it was missing.

I walked after him, trying to keep my wings close so I didn't destroy anything.

Just then, I felt something touch my back, and I freaked out. My wings went to their full extent and one got stuck on a nest. I saw two humans that looked alike laughing at me and I roared at them, blowing them off of the walkway.

I gave a whine of discomfort as I tried to get my wing out. Toothless bounded up to me and helped me scratch away at the wood, freeing my wing.

I gave him a lick and then I saw him, the human that rode Toothless.

"Hey girl... How are you feeling?" He asked, slowly walking toward me holding a fish. I started backing away.
"(Y/N) stop, he wants to be your friend, and you need to eat, so just accept it." Toothless said.

I stopped and tried to calm down. The human handed me the fish and I ate it.
"Hey, I'm Hiccup, I see you've met Toothless. What kind of dragon are you?" He introduced and asked at the same time.

Careful of the nest, I spread my wings and the Hiccup boy gasped. "DiamondWing." He said under his breath, before I closed my wings and set my front paws back on the ground.
"Come on Toothless, you too girl." Hiccup said, waving us forward.

Through A Dragon's Eye (Completed) (Toothlessxreader)Where stories live. Discover now