Chapter 5

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I sat in the centre of a circle of humans. A fat one was comparing me to a book. Another, a male, was trying to get me to stretch out my wings. The look alikes stayed away from my wings, but they still annoyed me. Hiccup was doing the same thing as the fat one, just with a bunch of papers. The only one I actually took interest in was a female. She had flaxen hair and blue eyes. She was half paying attention and half sharpening her axe.

I stretched out my wings to the happiness of the black haired boy and I flapped them a bit.
"Wanna go for a fly?" I asked Toothless.
"I can't fly without Hiccup." He replied slightly sadly, but then he perked up. He walked over to Hiccup, grabbed him by his shirt, like a mother cat would a kitten, and threw him onto his back. Then he started bouncing around happily.

"Alright Toothless, we can go for a fly." Hiccup said in between laughter.

Toothless then leaped into the air, taking off. I followed, scattering the papers Hiccup had been looking at. I heard a groan of annoyance from the fat one.

We flew up, into the air above the human nests. We did flips and spins. I looked out at the water and saw a shimmer of something.

Birds chirped happily, sitting on their little branches outside my nest. My nest was a cave entrance that had jewels lining the walls, ceiling and floor. There was some grass in the corner where my mother, sister and brother lay. My father was out hunting. I was just sitting at the cave entrance.

A large DiamondWing walked past and I bounded after him. "Little (Y/N), why are you not with your mother?" The DiamondWing asked without looking back.
"I want to play a game Farlo!" My tiny voiced piped, still bouncing after the dragon.
"Youngling, you really must -" he was cut off by a shriek.

"Humans!" Screamed a lookout. I scurried back to my cave where my mother was looking for me everywhere.
"Come (Y/N), quickly darling, we must go deeper in." Said my mother, pushing me further into the cave, where we go only for hibernation or emergencies.
"What about daddy?" I asked, looking at the entrance.
"He'll come home soon darling, but for now, we must go in." She replied, still pushing me.

We waited for the attack to come, and it came in force. I heard many screams from my kind, but many more from the humans. At last we heard the call of victory. My mother went out first, then my siblings and I came out. My mother let out a cry as she saw a magnificent deep ocean blue body a little way away from our cave.

I also let out a cry and ran over to the body. I saw ragged long breaths racking the body. "Daddy?" I asked, my small brown eyes filling with tears.
"Hey Squirt." He said, looking at me with his majestic green eyes. "Do me a favour would you?" He asked, heaving for breaths.
"Yes daddy, anything." I said, tears going down my face.
"Grow up to be big and strong... And help your mother." He struggled to get out. "I love you, all of you." And a single tear leaked out of his eye, before his breathing stopped along with his heart.

I felt a presence behind me. "You should go to your mother." Farlo said, his meadow green hide shining in the evening sun, his ice blue eyes miserable, for he had lost his best friend. And I, I had lost my father.

Omg, the feels, sorry, I cried while writing this.
This was something that happened before (Y/N) fled her island.
(The italics after they start flying is her having a flashback, just in case no one got that...)

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