Chapter 2

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I awoke in a cell. It had grey bars and a bad smell. Then I realised, I was chained and muzzled. I couldn't move at all.

I noticed a man, just sitting there, sleeping, outside my cage. I gave off a deep growl that woke him.

He stared at me in shock, then he ran off. As I watched him run, I felt how stiff my legs and wings were. I must've been sitting here for a long time.

I heard footsteps approaching. An old man came into my field of vision, and he looked familiar. "Look who finally decided to wake up." His gravelly voice said.
"Grinder, Sir, do you want me to organise a deal?" The first man said.
Then I realised, the old man was Grinder.

At the discovery, I let off a threatening growl. "Ah, your spirit hasn't left you I see." Grinder said.
The first man ran off to do something, but I just stared at Grinder.

Later on, some men came and lifted my cage, they took it into the light and into the fresh air. I took a deep breath through my nostrils and sighed slightly.

"Sir! Alvin the Treacherous is offering a huge amount for the DiamondWing." A man said to Grinder.
"Load her up and ship her off, also take the rest of them that Alvin ordered!" Grinder said, looking straight at my oak brown eyes.

I was then loaded onto a ship with a dozen other dragons.

"Is that a DiamondWing?" A Deadly Nadder asked a Monstrous Nightmare.
"I think so, look at her scales, only a DiamondWing has scales that shine like that." The Monstrous Nightmare replied.

I rubbed my head against the bars, scratching them a bit.

I rested my head on my paws and I cried, I cried for my mother and my home.

And eventually, I drifted off to sleep.

Through A Dragon's Eye (Completed) (Toothlessxreader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon