Chapter 9

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"(Y/N), please, wake up." I heard a sob.

"(Y/N)! The humans are attacking again, go to your mother!" Kairo screeched at me. I pushed off towards my cave, towards my mother. I looked back to see the dark purple scales of Kairo disappear over a hill.
I ran to my mother who was shaking with sobs. "Not again." She mumbled, "not again."

"Shh mother, everything will be alright." I soothed as I licked the scales on her head like she had done to me when I was a hatchling. She looked at me and smiled.
"Thank you darling." She said looking at me proudly.

I heard a screeched and saw a dark purple body falling out of the sky. "Kairo!" I gasped as I watched his lifeless body fall, an arrow sticking out of his chest. Tears fell down my cheeks. "Stay here mother." I said, putting on a stern face and flying out of the cave.

I flew around, shooting humans and blowing things up. My brethren were losing to the new machines these humans had made.

Then I saw three humans going towards my cave, the cave my mother was in. I rushed down and blasted two of them, the last one spinning around and slashing my leg. I decapitated him with my wing as I rushed inside to my mother. "Are you alright?" I asked, checking her over.
"Yes dear, but your leg!" She exclaimed.
"We have to go, now!" I screeched, running out of the cave. I knew my mother was following, for I could hear her padding on the cave floor.

I jumped into the air and let out a scream, then I turned and saw my mother, still at the entrance to the cave, but surrounded my humans. "Mother!" I screeched.
"Go darling! I love you!" She called.
"No mother I won't leave!" I screeched.
"(Y/N)! Run!" She screeched, the plea in her voice making me turn around and fly away from my home. At the last moment I turned around, seeing a man approach her.
"Noooo!" I screeched, but it was too late, the sword was lunged into her eye, the last fighting DiamondWing had fallen.

I saw a couple of other young DiamondWings flying off in different directions. "Load em up!" Called a human to the other humans and they started hauling the bodies of the dead dragons to the boats. I saw Kairo and my mother.

I turned around quickly and flew as fast as I could away from the men.

Through A Dragon's Eye (Completed) (Toothlessxreader)Where stories live. Discover now