Chapter 3

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I woke with a start from a loud noise. The boat rocked crazily. BANG! The noise was a dragon firing. Then I heard it, the whistling of a dragon flying through the air. A Night Fury.

A black dragon flew through the trapdoor into the dragon hold, with something on his back. The cages opened as he flew past.

I flew as quickly as I could out of the area. I flew with the bulk of dragons toward the open blue ocean.

We flew to an island. Then I noticed human buildings on it and stopped dead in my tracks. I then saw five dragons with humans on their backs or necks.

The Night Fury noticed my sudden stop and he stopped too, and I saw the human on his back give me a worried look.

I let out a scream and dived toward the human, knocking him off of the Night Fury's back. "Nooooo!" Screeched the Night Fury as the human fell. Then he fell and turned it into a dive after the human.

I looked at the two, still hovering in the air, as the Night Fury got the human on his back and flew back up to me.

I let off a warning growl. "Careful bud, she thought I wanted to hurt you." The human said to the Night Fury.

"Please, do not hurt my rider, he just saved you." The dragon said to me.
"I do not trust their kind, I saw my own mother murdered before my very eyes." I said to him in a deep growl.
"I don't understand your pain, but could you give them a chance, they're different to the ones you were just rescued from."
"They raided my home and they killed my brethren!" I screamed.
"Wait, what's happening?" I asked as my vision went foggy.
"Please! You're hurt by an arrow, if you land we can help you." The dragon cried desperately.
I started blacking out and loosing altitude. I felt dragon claws wrap around me as I drifted out of consciousness.

Through A Dragon's Eye (Completed) (Toothlessxreader)Where stories live. Discover now