Chapter 10

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"Come on bud, you've been sitting there for two weeks... Let's go for a fly, that might cheer you up." I heard Hiccup's voice.
"No hiccup, the only thing that will cheer me up is seeing (Y/N) awake and alive." Toothless cried.
"Come on Toothless, she will wake up, just not right now." Hiccup said.
I heard him walking over.
"Come on bud." He urged, trying to get Toothless to move.

I shifted slightly and Hiccup gasped. "Please get up (Y/N), please." I heard Toothless beg.
"What if I don't want to?" I grumbled, smiling a little and opening my eyes to see Toothless just sitting beside the table where I lay.
His face lit up and he danced around the room.
"Unbelievable..." Hiccup mumbled, watching Toothless jumping around.

"What happened?" I asked, looking at Toothless who was calming down.
"An arrow buried itself in your chest, missing your heart by a couple of centimetres, with my saliva, Hiccup created a salve that he put in the cut after he pulled the arrow out." Toothless said, jumping around a bit more.
"What about Grinder and the Romans?" I asked getting a sick feeling.
"The dragon army took them out, they're all gone, they'll never bother us again." Toothless said, giving me a gummy smile.
I sighed happily and watched the dragon crash around the room.

I spread my wings happily, flapping them gently, lifting off of the ground. I heard a Night Fury call and saw a black figure overhead. "Hey! Check it out!" Called Toothless happily as I flew over to him. "Hiccup made me a new tail, now I can fly whenever I want." Toothless said happily.
"That's amazing toothless... Just like you." I said, nuzzling into his cheek.
"Come on!" He cried happily, flying out into the open air, doing flips and spins. I followed in pursuit, doing some moves of my own.

And there we were, two dragons flying next to each other, happily enjoying the salty air.

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