Chapter 21

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Lucy's POV:

I paced back in forth in a panicked mood. The west wing has been infiltrated but guards haven't figured out by who. But I did. I knew it was Natsu and Gajeel.

"I can't believe someone has the nerve to attack Master Sting.." I heard Lisanna mutter.

"No.. nobody does. Other than Natsu."

The color drained from her face as she stumbled back onto the bed, "T-That's Natsu attacking?!"

"Who else do you know that can breathe fire?"

She looked down with pursed lips. She knew as well that it was him. Natsu would see her and would want to rescue her too if he really considers her close. The only thing I'm worried about is if her "devotion" for Sting will get in the way of that.

'No, he'll force her to leave either way..'

I turned back to Lisanna and grabbed her hands, "Are you ready to leave this place or do you really want to be bound here for the rest of your life?!"

She was stunned by the question. "Of course I want to to leave! But Master wouldn't like that.." She cried hopelessly, internally debating with herself.

Another crash came from the west side and I could just barely hear guards shouting about metal rods. 'Gajeel too? Wait, does that mean that Levy is alone?!' I'm so hitting Gajeel for that.

Lisanna didn't react positively to the loud noises, rather panicked more.

"Lisanna, you have to realize that this is your life to live! Not his to control!" Two tests streamed down her face as she looked up at me. "I know after so long that it's hard to leave but don't you want the life that your dreamt up all those sleepless nights?! To go to school, get to college, fall in love, have children? Your still so young and have a lot to live for—" I frantically pointed around, "and this isn't one of those things!"

"I know.." she whispered. "I know it's not.. but I'm scared if he finds me again and hurts me."

"He won't, Lisanna.." I looked down with guilt. I knew that by the end of this, Natsu's rage would get in the way and Sting wouldn't even be alive.. "He won't live long enough after this ordeal."

Her eyes widened, "Natsu's going to kill him?!" She exclaimed and began pacing. "No, no, no. He'll be targeted by the whole country!"

I nodded, "Not if he reveals what Sting has been doing to all of his workers and his illegal deals."

Lisanna was quiet for a few moments before making up her mind. "This is for sure going to work..?"

I smiled, "It's Natsu, of course it will."

Her lips curved up slightly thinking back at old relics. Lisanna was not gone, she was simply caught up in a past rivalry and the fact that she had to pay for that angers me beyond belief. But right now all that matters is getting out, with her, alive.

Both Lisanna and I sat in a dreadful silence before the door was kicked open, startling us both. My eyes widened out of shock. "Gray, Juvia?!"

The blue duo stood at the door. Gray with a nonchalant expression but Juvia with a determined smile. "Don't worry, Juvia and Gray are getting you out of her while Gajeel distracts the guards!" Juvia explained while grabbing Lisanna.

"That's great and all but what about Sting?!" I asked while being pushed out by Gray.

"Did Juvia ever mention Natsu was confronting him?" Juvia said sheepishly then kicked a window resulting in it shattering.

My face paled for two reasons. 1) Natsu confronting Sting 2) We're jumping out of a window..

"Cast your concerns away cause we're falling in water." I heard Gray beside me.

'Water..?' My eyes looked down and I felt slightly relieved to see the water. "Where the hell did you-" I looked to the side where Juvia was casting some sort of spell. "Ah, never mind."

"Aright jump!" She exclaimed and suddenly, we were all plummeting down. 'Gonna die, gonna die, gonna die!' I closed my eyes right as we hit the water.

"Alright, were alive! Now let's get going." Gray said sarcastically.

"Was this not alive proof?" I asked shakily and he nodded, "Nope."


"It's okay, Juvia made sure we'd all be okay!" She said enthusiastically with a creepy grin.

Gray muttered beside me, "I promise, she means well."

I nodded, "Right."

We all stopped momentarily to look back when another crash was heard and battle cries from the guards too.

Somewhere inside I felt awful knowing these men had families at home that they needed. Knowing that Sting kept them here and now they're paying for his sin just adds to the searing hatred for him.

Gray and Juvia muttered to Lisanna and I, "Let's go.." The frown on their faces explained it all.

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